[apps/madmutt.git] / RELEASE-NOTES.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0'?>
2 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd">
3 <article>
4   <articleinfo>
5     <title>DocBook XSL Stylesheet Release Notes</title>
6     <pubdate><?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d"?></pubdate>
7     <releaseinfo role="cvs">$Id$</releaseinfo> 
8     <corpauthor>DocBook Project Development Team</corpauthor> 
9   </articleinfo> 
11   <para>These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets.
12   At a minimum, this file attempts to document changes to the public
13   APIs, particularly to user-configurable parameters. This file also
14   provides a high-level overview of the features added in each
15   release.</para>
17   <para>Bug fixes are (mostly) not documented here. For a complete
18   list of changes, including descriptions of bug fixes, see the <ulink
19   url="NEWS"/> file, which is auto-generated from the checkin
20   descriptions for changes in the project CVS repository.</para>
22   <section>
23     <title>Release 1.69.1</title>
24     <para>This release is a minor bug-fix update to the 1.69.0
25     release. Along with bug fixes, it includes one
26     configuration-parameter change: The default value of the
27     <parameter>annotation.support</parameter> parameter is now
28     <literal>0</literal> (off). The reason for that change is that
29     there have been reports that <tag>annotation</tag> handling is
30     causing a significant performance degradation in processing of
31     large documents with <command>xsltproc</command>.</para>
32   </section>
33   <!-- end of notes for 1.69.1 release -->
35   <section>
36     <title>Release 1.69.0</title>
37     <para>The release includes major feature changes,
38     particularly in the <link linkend="V1690_MAN">manpages
39     stylesheets</link>, as well as a large number of bug fixes.</para>
41     <para>As with all DocBook Project <quote>dot zero</quote> releases, this is an
42     <link linkend="dot0">experimental release </link>.</para>
44     <section id="V1690_COMMON">
45       <title>Common</title>
46       <itemizedlist>
47         <listitem>
48           <para>This release adds localizations for the following
49           languages:
50             <simplelist type="inline">
51               <?dbchoice choice="and"?>
52               <member>Albanian</member>
53               <member>Amharic</member>
54               <member>Azerbaijani</member>
55               <member>Hindi</member>
56               <member>Irish (Gaelic)</member>
57               <member>Gujarati</member>
58               <member>Kannada</member>
59               <member>Mongolian</member>
60               <member>Oriya</member>
61               <member>Punjabi</member>
62               <member>Tagalog</member>
63               <member>Tamil</member>
64               <member>Welsh</member>
65           </simplelist>.</para>
66         </listitem>
67         <listitem>
68           <para>Added support for specifying number format for auto
69           labels for <tag>chapter</tag>, <tag>appendix</tag>,
70           <tag>part</tag>, and <tag>preface</tag>. Contolled with the
71           <parameter>appendix.autolabel</parameter>,
72           <parameter>chapter.autolabel</parameter>,
73           <parameter>part.autolabel</parameter>, and
74           <parameter>preface.autolabel</parameter> parameters.</para>
75         </listitem>
76         <listitem>
77           <para>Added basic support for <tag>biblioref</tag> cross
78           referencing.</para>
79         </listitem>
80         <listitem>
81           <para>Added support for <tag class="attribute">align</tag>
82           on <tag>caption</tag> in <tag>mediaobject</tag>.</para>
83         </listitem>
84         <listitem>
85           <para>Added support for processing documents that use the
86           DocBook V5 namespace.</para>
87         </listitem>
88         <listitem>
89           <para>Added support for <tag>termdef</tag> and
90           <tag>mathphrase</tag>.</para>
91         </listitem>
92         <listitem>
93           <para>EXPERIMENTAL: Incorporated the Slides and Website
94           stylesheets into the DocBook XSL stylesheets package. So,
95           for example, Website documents can now be processed using
96           the following URI for the driver Website
97           <filename>tabular.xsl</filename> file: <literallayout
98           class="monospaced"
99           ><uri>http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/website/tabular.xsl</uri
100           ></literallayout></para>
101         </listitem>
102         <listitem>
103           <para>A <tag>procedure</tag> without a <tag>title</tag> is
104           now treated as an <quote>informal</quote> procedure (meaning
105           that it is not added to any generated <quote>list of
106           procedures</quote> and has no affect on numbering of
107           generated labels for other procedures).</para>
108         </listitem>
109         <listitem>
110           <para><tag>docname</tag> is no longer added to
111           <tag>olink</tag> when pointing to a root element.</para>
112         </listitem>
113       <!-- ======================================================= -->
114       <listitem>
115         <para>Added support for generation of choice separator in
116         inline simplelist. This enables auto-generation of an
117         appropriate localized <quote>choice separator</quote> (for
118         example, <quote>and</quote> or <quote>or</quote>) before the
119         final item in an inline <tag>simplelist</tag>.</para>
120         <para>To indicate that you want a choice separator
121         generated for a particular list, you need to put a processing
122         instruction (PI) of the form
123         <tag class="xmlpi">dbchoice&#160;choice="foo"</tag> as a
124         child of the list. For example:
125         <literallayout class="monospaced"
126 >  &lt;para>Choose from
127   ONE and ONLY ONE of the following: 
128   &lt;simplelist type="inline">
129   &lt;?dbchoice choice="or" ?>
130   &lt;member>A&lt;/member>
131   &lt;member>B&lt;/member>
132   &lt;member>C&lt;/member>.&lt;/simplelist>&lt;/para></literallayout>
134         Output (for English):
135         <blockquote>
136           <para>Choose from ONE and only ONE of the
137           following choices: A, B, or C.</para>
138         </blockquote>
139         As a temporary workaround for the fact that most of the
140         DocBook non-English locale files don't have a localization for
141         the word <quote>or</quote>, you can put in a literal string to
142         be used; example for French: <tag
143         class="pi">dbchoice&#160;choice="ou"</tag>.  That is, use
144         <quote>ou</quote> instead of <quote>or</quote>.</para>
145       </listitem>
146       </itemizedlist>
147     </section>
148     <section id="V1690_FO">
149       <title>FO</title>
150       <itemizedlist>
151         <listitem>
152           <para> Added <literal>content-type</literal> property to
153           <literal>external-graphic</literal> element, based on
154           <tag>imagedata</tag> <tag class="attribute">format</tag>
155           attribute.</para>
156         </listitem>
157         <listitem>
158           <para>Added support for generating
159           <literal>&lt;rx:meta-field&#160;creator="$VERSION"/></literal>
160           field for XEP output. This makes the DocBook XSL
161           stylesheet version information available through the
162           <guimenu>Document Properties</guimenu> menu in Acrobat
163           Reader and other PDF viewers.</para>
164         </listitem>
165         <listitem>
166           <para>Trademark symbol handling made consistent with
167           handling of same in HTML stylesheets. Prior to this change,
168           if you processed a document that contained no value for the
169           <tag class="attribute">class</tag> attribute on the
170           <tag>trademark</tag> element, the HTML stylesheets would
171           default to rendering a superscript <literal>TM
172           </literal>symbol after the <tag>trademark</tag> contents,
173           but the FO stylesheets would render nothing.</para>
174         </listitem>
175         <listitem>
176           <para>Added support for generating XEP bookmarks for
177           <tag>refentry</tag>.</para>
178         </listitem>
179         <listitem>
180           <para>Added support for HTML markup <tag>table</tag> <tag
181           class="attribute">border</tag> attribute, applied to each
182           table cell.</para>
183         </listitem>
184         <listitem>
185           <para>The <function>table.width</function> template can now
186           sum column specs if none use <literal>%</literal> or
187           <literal>*</literal>.</para>
188         </listitem>
189         <listitem>
190           <para>Added <literal>fox:destination</literal> extension
191           inside <literal>fox:outline</literal> to support linking to
192           internal destinations.</para>
193         </listitem>
194         <listitem>
195           <para>Added support for customizing
196           <literal>abstract</literal> with property sets. Controlled
197           with the <parameter>abstract.properties</parameter> and
198           <parameter>abstract.title.properties</parameter>
199           parameters.</para>
200         </listitem>
201         <listitem>
202           <para>Add <tag>footnote</tag>s in <tag>table</tag> title to
203           table footnote set, and add support for table footnotes to
204           HTML table markup.</para>
205         </listitem>
206         <listitem>
207           <para>Added support for <tag>title</tag> in
208           <tag>glosslist</tag>.</para>
209         </listitem>
210         <listitem>
211           <para>Added support for <tag>itemizedlist</tag> symbol
212           <literal>none</literal>.</para>
213         </listitem>
214         <listitem>
215           <para>Implemented the new
216           <parameter>graphical.admonition.properties</parameter> and
217           <parameter>nongraphical.admonition.properties</parameter>
218           attribute sets.</para>
219         </listitem>
220         <listitem>
221           <para>Added <tag class="attribute">id</tag> to
222           <tag>formalpara</tag> and some other blocks that were
223           missing it.</para>
224         </listitem>
225         <listitem>
226           <para>Changed the anchor template to output
227           <literal>fo:inline</literal> instead of
228           <literal>fo:wrapper</literal>.</para>
229         </listitem>
230         <listitem>
231           <para>Added support for <parameter>toc.max.depth</parameter>
232           parameter.</para>
233         </listitem>
234       </itemizedlist>
235     </section>
237     <section id="V1690_HELP">
238       <title>Help</title>
239       <itemizedlist>
240         <listitem>
241           <para>Eclipse Help: Added support for generating olink
242           database.</para>
243         </listitem>
244       </itemizedlist>
245     </section>
247     <section id="V1690_HTML">
248       <title>HTML</title>
249       <itemizedlist>
250         <listitem>
251           <para>Added a first cut at support in HTML output for
252           DocBook 5 style <tag>annotation</tag>s. Controlled using the
253           <parameter>annotation.support</parameter> parameter, and
254           implemented using JavaScript and CSS styling. For more
255           details, see the documentation for the
256           <parameter>annotation.js</parameter>,
257           <parameter>annotation.css</parameter>,
258           <parameter>annotation.graphic.open</parameter>, and
259           <parameter>annotation.graphic.close</parameter>
260           parameters.</para>
261         </listitem>
262         <listitem>
263           <para>Generate client-side image map for
264           <tag>imageobjectco</tag> with areas using
265           <literal>calspair</literal> units</para>
266         </listitem>
267         <listitem>
268           <para>Added support for <tag
269           class="xmlpi">img.src.path</tag> PI.</para>
270         </listitem>
271         <listitem>
272           <para>Added support for passing
273           <parameter>img.src.path</parameter> to DocBook Java XSLT
274           image extensions when appropriate. Controlled using the
275           <parameter>graphicsize.use.img.src.path</parameter>
276           parameter.</para>
277         </listitem>
278         <listitem>
279           <para>Added support for (not
280           valid for DocBook 4) <tag class="attribute">xlink:href</tag>
281           on <tag>area</tag> and (not valid for DocBook 4)
282           <tag>alt</tag> in <tag>area</tag>.</para>
283         </listitem>
284         <listitem>
285           <para>Added new parameter
286           <parameter>default.table.frame</parameter> to control table
287           framing if there is no <tag class="attribute">frame</tag>
288           attribute on a table.</para>
289         </listitem>
290         <listitem>
291           <para>Added initial, experimental support for generating
292           content for the HTML <literal>title</literal> attribute from
293           content of the <tag>alt</tag> element. This change adds
294           support for the following inline elements only (none of them
295           are block elements):
296           <simplelist type="inline">
297             <?dbchoice choice="and"?>
298             <member><tag>abbrev</tag></member>
299             <member><tag>accel</tag></member>
300             <member><tag>acronym</tag></member>
301             <member><tag>action</tag></member>
302             <member><tag>application</tag></member>
303             <member><tag>authorinitials</tag></member>
304             <member><tag>beginpage</tag></member>
305             <member><tag>citation</tag></member>
306             <member><tag>citerefentry</tag></member>
307             <member><tag>citetitle</tag></member>
308             <member><tag>city</tag></member>
309             <member><tag>classname</tag></member>
310             <member><tag>code</tag></member>
311             <member><tag>command</tag></member>
312             <member><tag>computeroutput</tag></member>
313             <member><tag>constant</tag></member>
314             <member><tag>country</tag></member>
315             <member><tag>database</tag></member>
316             <member><tag>email</tag></member>
317             <member><tag>envar</tag></member>
318             <member><tag>errorcode</tag></member>
319             <member><tag>errorname</tag></member>
320             <member><tag>errortext</tag></member>
321             <member><tag>errortype</tag></member>
322             <member><tag>exceptionname</tag></member>
323             <member><tag>fax</tag></member>
324             <member><tag>filename</tag></member>
325             <member><tag>firstname</tag></member>
326             <member><tag>firstterm</tag></member>
327             <member><tag>foreignphrase</tag></member>
328             <member><tag>function</tag></member>
329             <member><tag>glossterm</tag></member>
330             <member><tag>guibutton</tag></member>
331             <member><tag>guiicon</tag></member>
332             <member><tag>guilabel</tag></member>
333             <member><tag>guimenu</tag></member>
334             <member><tag>guimenuitem</tag></member>
335             <member><tag>guisubmenu</tag></member>
336             <member><tag>hardware</tag></member>
337             <member><tag>honorific</tag></member>
338             <member><tag>interface</tag></member>
339             <member><tag>interfacename</tag></member>
340             <member><tag>keycap</tag></member>
341             <member><tag>keycode</tag></member>
342             <member><tag>keysym</tag></member>
343             <member><tag>lineage</tag></member>
344             <member><tag>lineannotation</tag></member>
345             <member><tag>literal</tag></member>
346             <member><tag>markup</tag></member>
347             <member><tag>medialabel</tag></member>
348             <member><tag>methodname</tag></member>
349             <member><tag>mousebutton</tag></member>
350             <member><tag>option</tag></member>
351             <member><tag>optional</tag></member>
352             <member><tag>otheraddr</tag></member>
353             <member><tag>othername</tag></member>
354             <member><tag>package</tag></member>
355             <member><tag>parameter</tag></member>
356             <member><tag>personname</tag></member>
357             <member><tag>phone</tag></member>
358             <member><tag>pob</tag></member>
359             <member><tag>postcode</tag></member>
360             <member><tag>productname</tag></member>
361             <member><tag>productnumber</tag></member>
362             <member><tag>prompt</tag></member>
363             <member><tag>property</tag></member>
364             <member><tag>quote</tag></member>
365             <member><tag>refentrytitle</tag></member>
366             <member><tag>remark</tag></member>
367             <member><tag>replaceable</tag></member>
368             <member><tag>returnvalue</tag></member>
369             <member><tag>sgmltag</tag></member>
370             <member><tag>shortcut</tag></member>
371             <member><tag>state</tag></member>
372             <member><tag>street</tag></member>
373             <member><tag>structfield</tag></member>
374             <member><tag>structname</tag></member>
375             <member><tag>subscript</tag></member>
376             <member><tag>superscript</tag></member>
377             <member><tag>surname</tag></member>
378             <member><tag>symbol</tag></member>
379             <member><tag>systemitem</tag></member>
380             <member><tag>tag</tag></member>
381             <member><tag>termdef</tag></member>
382             <member><tag>token</tag></member>
383             <member><tag>trademark</tag></member>
384             <member><tag>type</tag></member>
385             <member><tag>uri</tag></member>
386             <member><tag>userinput</tag></member>
387             <member><tag>varname</tag></member>
388             <member><tag>wordasword</tag></member>
389           </simplelist>
390         </para>
391         </listitem>
392         <listitem>
393           <para>Added support for chunking <tag>revhistory</tag> into
394           separate file (similar to the support for doing same with
395           <tag>legalnotice</tag>). Patch from Thomas
396           Schraitle. Controlled through <parameter>new
397           generate.revhistory.link</parameter> parameter.</para>
398         </listitem>
399         <listitem>
400           <para>l10n.xsl: Made language codes RFC compliant. Added a
401           new boolean config parameter,
402           <parameter>l10n.lang.value.rfc.compliant</parameter>. If it
403           is non-zero (the default), any underscore in a language code
404           will be converted to a hyphen in HTML output. If it is zero,
405           the language code will be left as-is.</para>
406         </listitem>
407       </itemizedlist>
408     </section>
409     <section id="V1690_MAN">
410       <title>man</title>
411       <para>This release closes out 44 manpages stylesheet bug reports
412       and feature requests. It adds more than 35 new configuration
413       parameters for controlling aspects of man-page output --
414       including hyphenation and justification, handling of links,
415       conversion of Unicode characters, and contents of man-page
416       headers and footers.</para>
417       <itemizedlist>
418         <!-- ======================================================= -->
419         <listitem>
420           <para>New options for globally disabling/enabling
421           hyphenation and justification:
422           <parameter>man.justify</parameter> and
423           <parameter>man.hyphenate</parameter>.</para>
424           <para>Note that the default
425           for the both of those is zero (off), because justified text
426           looks good only when it is also hyphenated; to quote the
427           <quote>Hyphenation</quote> node from the groff info page:
428           <blockquote>
429             <para><emphasis>Since the odds are not great for finding a
430             set of words, for every output line, which fit nicely on a
431             line without inserting excessive amounts of space between
432             words, `gtroff' hyphenates words so that it can justify
433             lines without inserting too much space between
434             words.</emphasis></para>
435           </blockquote>
436           The problem is that groff can end up hyphenating a lot of
437           things that you don't want hyphenated (variable names and
438           command names, for example). Keeping both justification and
439           hyphenation disabled ensures that hyphens won't get inserted
440           where you don't want to them, and you don't end up with
441           lines containing excessive amounts of space between
442           words. These default settings run counter to how most
443           existing man pages are formatted. But there are some notable
444           exceptions, such as the perl man pages.</para>
445         </listitem>
446         <listitem>
447           <para> Added parameters for controlling hyphenation of
448           computer inlines, filenames, and URLs. By default, even when
449           hyphenation is enabled (globally), hyphenation is now
450           suppressed for "computer inlines" (currently, just
451           <tag>classname</tag>, <tag>constant</tag>, <tag>envar</tag>,
452           <tag>errorcode</tag>, <tag>option</tag>,
453           <tag>replaceable</tag>, <tag>userinput</tag>,
454           <tag>type</tag>, and <tag>varname</tag>, and for
455           <tag>filenames</tag>, and for URLs from <tag>link</tag>. It
456           can be (re)enabled using the
457           <parameter>man.hyphenate.computer.inlines</parameter>,
458           <parameter>man.hyphenate.filenames</parameter>, and
459           <parameter>man.hyphenate.urls parameters</parameter>.</para>
460         </listitem>
461         <!-- ======================================================= -->
462         <listitem>
463           <para>Implemented a new system for replacing Unicode
464           characters. There are two parts to the new system: a
465           <quote>string substitution map</quote> for doing
466           <quote>essential</quote> replacements, and a
467           <quote>character map</quote> that can optionally be disabled
468           and enabled.</para>
469           <para>The new system fixes all open bugs that had to do with
470           literal Unicode numbered entities such as &amp;#8220; and
471           &amp;#8221; showing up in output, and greatly expands the
472           ability of the stylesheets to generate <quote>good</quote> roff
473           equivalents for Unicode symbols and special
474           characters.</para>
475           <para>Here are some details...</para>
476           <para>The previous manpages mechanism for replacing Unicode
477           symbols and special characters with roff equivalents (the
478           <function>replace-entities</function> template) was not
479           scalable and not complete. The mechanism handled a somewhat
480           arbitrary selection of less than 20 or so Unicode
481           characters. But there are potentially more than
482           <emphasis>800</emphasis> Unicode special characters that
483           have some groff equivalent they can be mapped to. And there
484           are about 34 symbols in the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) block
485           alone. Users might reasonably expect that if they include
486           any of those Latin-1 characters in their DocBook source
487           documents, they will get correctly converted to known roff
488           equivalents in output.</para>
489           <para>In addition to those common symbols, certain users may
490           have a need to use symbols from other Unicode blocks. Say,
491           somebody who is documenting an application related to math
492           might need to use a bunch of symbols from the
493           <quote>Mathematical Operators</quote> Unicode block (there
494           are about 65 characters in that block that have reasonable
495           roff equivalents). Or somebody else might really like
496           Dingbats -- such as the checkmark character -- and so might
497           use a bunch of things from the <quote>Dingbat</quote> block
498           (141 characters in that that have roff equivalents or that
499           can at least be <quote>degraded</quote> somewhat gracefully
500           into roff).</para>
501           <para>So, the old <function>replace-entities</function>
502           mechanism was replaced with a completely different mechanism
503           that is based on use of two <quote>maps</quote>: a
504           <quote>substitution map</quote> and a <quote>character
505           map</quote> (the latter in a format compliant with the XSLT
506           2.0 spec and therefore completely <quote>forward
507           compatible</quote> with XSLT 2.0).</para>
508           <para>The substitution map is controlled through the
509           <parameter>man.string.subst.map</parameter> parameter, and
510           is used to replace things like the backslash character
511           (which needs special handling to prevent it from being
512           interpreted as a roff escape). The substitution map cannot
513           be disabled, because disabling it will cause the output to
514           be broken. However, you can add to it and change it if
515           needed.</para>
517           <para>The <quote>character map</quote> mechanism, on the
518           other hand, can be completely disabled. It is enabled by
519           default, and, by default, does replacement of all Latin-1
520           symbols, along with most special spaces, dashes, and quotes
521           (about 75 characters by default). Also, you can optionally
522           enable a <quote>full</quote> character map that provides
523           support for converting all 800 or so of the characters that
524           have some reasonable groff equivalent.</para>
526           <para>The character-map mechanism is controlled through the
527           following parameters:
528           <variablelist>
529             <varlistentry>
530               <term><parameter>man.charmap.enabled</parameter></term>
531               <listitem><para>turns character-map support
532               on/off</para></listitem>
533             </varlistentry>
534             <varlistentry>
535               <term><parameter>man.charmap.use.subset</parameter></term>
536               <listitem><para>specifies that a subset of the character
537               map is used instead of the full map</para></listitem>
538             </varlistentry>
539             <varlistentry>
540               <term><parameter>man.charmap.subset.profile</parameter></term>
541               <listitem><para>specifies profile of character-map
542               subset</para></listitem>
543             </varlistentry>
544             <varlistentry>
545               <term><parameter>man.charmap.uri</parameter></term>
546               <listitem><para>specifies an alternate character map to
547               use instead of the <quote>standard</quote> character map
548               provided in the distribution</para></listitem>
549             </varlistentry>
550           </variablelist>
551           </para>
552         </listitem>
553         <!-- ======================================================= -->
554         <listitem>
555           <para>Implemented out-of-line handling of display of URLs
556           for links (currently, only for <tag>ulink</tag>). This gives
557           you three choices for handling of links:
558           <orderedlist>
559             <listitem>
560               <para>Number and list links. Each link is numbered
561               inline, with a number in square brackets preceding the
562               link contents, and a numbered list of all links is added
563               to the end of the document.</para>
564             </listitem>
565             <listitem>
566               <para>Only list links. Links are not numbered, but an
567               (unnumbered) list of links is added to the end of the
568               document.</para>
569             </listitem>
570             <listitem>
571               <para>Suppress links. Don't number links and don't add
572               any list of links to the end of the document.</para>
573             </listitem>
574           </orderedlist>
575           You can also choose whether links should be underlined. The
576           default is <quote>the works</quote> -- list, number, and
577           underline links. You can use the
578           <parameter>man.links.list.enabled</parameter>, <parameter>
579           man.links.are.numbered</parameter>, and
580           <parameter>man.links.are.underlined</parameter> parameters
581           to change the defaults. The default heading for the link
582           list is REFERENCES. You can be change that using the
583           <parameter>man.links.list.heading</parameter>
584           parameter.</para>
585         </listitem>
586         <listitem>
587           <para>Changed default output encoding to UTF-8. <emphasis
588           role="bold">This does not mean that man pages are output in
589           raw UTF-8</emphasis>, because the character map is applied
590           before final output, causing all UTF-8 characters covered in
591           the map to be converted to roff equivalents.</para>
592         </listitem>
593         <!-- ======================================================= -->
594         <listitem>
595           <para>Added support for processing <tag>refsect3</tag> and
596           <tag>formalpara</tag> and nested <tag>refsection</tag>
597           elements, down to any arbitrary level of nesting.</para>
598         </listitem>
599         <!-- ======================================================= -->
600         <listitem>
601           <para>Output of the <literal>NAME</literal> and
602           <literal>SYNOPSIS</literal> and <literal>AUTHOR</literal>
603           headings and the headings for admonitions (<tag>note</tag>,
604           <tag>caution</tag>, etc.) are no longer hard-coded for
605           English. Instead, headings are generated for those in the
606           correct locale (just as the FO and HTML stylesheets
607           do).</para>
608         </listitem>
609         <!-- ======================================================= -->
610         <listitem>
611           <para>Re-worked mechanism for assembling page
612           headers/footers (the contents of the <literal>.TH</literal>
613           macro <quote>title line</quote>).</para>
615           <para>Here are some details...</para>
617           <para>All man pages contain a <literal>.TH</literal> roff
618           macro whose contents are used for rendering the <quote>title
619           line</quote> displayed in the header and footer of each
620           page. Here are a couple of examples of real-world man pages
621           that have useful page headers/footers: <literallayout class="monospaced"
622 >
623   gtk-options(7)    GTK+ User's Manual   gtk-options(7) &lt;-- header
624   GTK+ 1.2              2003-10-20       gtk-options(7) &lt;-- footer
626   svgalib(7)       Svgalib User Manual       svgalib(7) &lt;-- header
627   Svgalib 1.4.1      16 December 1999        svgalib(7) &lt;-- footer</literallayout
628 ></para>
630           <para>And here are the terms with which the
631           <literal>groff_man(7)</literal> man page refers to the
632           various parts of the header/footer: <literallayout class="monospaced"
633 >
634   title(section)  extra3  title(section)  &lt;- header
635   extra2          extra1  title(section)  &lt;- footer</literallayout
636 ></para>
637   <para> Or, using the names with which the <literal>man(7)</literal>
638    man page refers to those same fields: <literallayout class="monospaced"
640 >
641   title(section)  manual  title(section)  &lt;- page header
642   source          date    title(section)  &lt;- page footer</literallayout
643 ></para>
645             <para>The easiest way to control the contents of those
646             fields is to mark up your <tag>refentry</tag> content like
647             the following (note that this is a <quote>minimal</quote>
648             example). <programlisting
649 >
650   &lt;refentry>
651     &lt;info>
652       &lt;date>2003-10-20&lt;/date> <co id="V1690_date-co" linkends="V168_date"/>
653     &lt;/info>
654     &lt;refmeta>
655       &lt;refentrytitle>gtk-options&lt;/refentrytitle> <co id="V1690_title-co" linkends="V168_title"/>
656       &lt;manvolnum>7&lt;/manvolnum> <co id="V1690_manvolnum-co" linkends="V168_manvolnum"/>
657       &lt;refmiscinfo class="source-name">GTK+&lt;/refmiscinfo> <co id="V1690_source-name-co" linkends="V168_source-name"/>
658       &lt;refmiscinfo class="version">1.2&lt;/refmiscinfo> <co id="V1690_version-co" linkends="V168_dversion"/>
659       &lt;refmiscinfo class="manual">GTK+ User's Manual&lt;/refmiscinfo> <co id="V1690_manual-co" linkends="V168_manual"/>
660     &lt;/refmeta>
661     &lt;refnamediv>
662       &lt;refname>gtk-options&lt;/refname>
663       &lt;refpurpose>Standard Command Line Options for GTK+ Programs&lt;/refpurpose>
664     &lt;/refnamediv>
665     &lt;refsect1>
666       &lt;title>Description&lt;/title>
667       &lt;para>This manual page describes the command line options, which
668       are common to all GTK+ based applications.&lt;/para>
669     &lt;/refsect1>
670   &lt;/refentry></programlisting>
671   <calloutlist>
672     <callout arearefs="V1690_date-co" id="V1690_date">
673       <para>Sets the <quote>date</quote> part of the header/footer.</para>
674     </callout>
675     <callout arearefs="V1690_title-co" id="V1690_title">
676       <para>Sets the <quote>title</quote> part.</para>
677     </callout>
678     <callout arearefs="V1690_manvolnum-co" id="V1690_manvolnum">
679       <para>Sets the <quote>section</quote> part.</para>
680     </callout>
681     <callout arearefs="V1690_source-name-co" id="V1690_source-name">
682       <para>Sets the <quote>source name</quote> part.</para>
683     </callout>
684     <callout arearefs="V1690_version-co" id="V1690_version">
685       <para>Sets the <quote>version</quote> part.</para>
686     </callout>
687     <callout arearefs="V1690_manual-co" id="V1690_manual">
688       <para>Sets the <quote>manual</quote> part.</para>
689     </callout>
690   </calloutlist>
691             </para>
692             <para>Below are explanations of the steps the stylesheets
693             take to attempt to assemble and display
694             <quote>good</quote> headers and footer. [In the
695             descriptions, note that <replaceable>*info</replaceable>
696             is the <tag>refentry</tag> <quote>info</quote> child
697             (whatever its name), and
698             <replaceable>parentinfo</replaceable> is the
699             <quote>info</quote> child of its parent (again, whatever
700             its name).]
701           <variablelist>
702             <varlistentry>
703               <term>extra1 field (date)</term>
704               <listitem>
705                 <para>Content of the <quote>extra1</quote> field is
706                 what shows up in the <emphasis role="bold">center
707                 footer</emphasis> position of each page. The
708                 <literal>man(7)</literal> man page describes it as
709                 <quote>the date of the last revision</quote>.</para>
710                 <para>To provide this content, if the
711                 <parameter>refentry.date.profile.enabled</parameter>
712                 is non-zero, the stylesheets check the value of
713                 <parameter>refentry.date.profile</parameter>.</para>
714                 <para>Otherwise, by default, they check for a
715                 <tag>date</tag> or <tag>pubdate</tag> not only in the
716                 <replaceable>*info</replaceable> contents, but also in
717                 the <replaceable>parentinfo</replaceable>
718                 contents.</para>
719                 <para>If a date cannot be found, the stylesheets now
720                 automatically generate a localized <quote>long
721                 format</quote> date, ensuring that this field always
722                 has content in output.</para>
723                 <para>However, if for some reason you want to suppress
724                 this field, you can do so by setting a non-zero value
725                 for <parameter>man.th.extra1.suppress</parameter>.</para>
726               </listitem>
727             </varlistentry>
728             <varlistentry>
729               <term>extra2 field (source)</term>
730               <listitem>
731                 <para>On Linux systems and on systems with a modern
732                 groff, the content of the <quote>extra2</quote> field
733                 are what shows up in the <emphasis role="bold">left
734                 footer</emphasis> position of each page.</para>
736                 <para>The <literal>man(7)</literal> man page describes
737                 this as <quote>the source of the command</quote>, and
738                 provides the following examples:
739                 <itemizedlist>
740                   <listitem>
741                     <para>For binaries, use somwething like: GNU,
742                     NET-2, SLS Distribution, MCC Distribution.</para>
743                   </listitem>
744                   <listitem>
745                     <para>For system calls, use the version of the
746                     kernel that you are currently looking at: Linux
747                     0.99.11.</para>
748                   </listitem>
749                   <listitem>
750                     <para>For library calls, use the source of the
751                     function: GNU, BSD 4.3, Linux DLL 4.4.1.</para>
752                   </listitem>
753                 </itemizedlist>
754                 </para>
756                 <para>In practice, there are many pages that simply
757                 have a version number in the <quote>source</quote>
758                 field. So, it looks like what we have is a two-part
759                 field,
760                 <replaceable>Name</replaceable>&#160;<replaceable>Version</replaceable>,
761                 where:
762                 <variablelist>
763                   <varlistentry>
764                     <term>Name</term>
765                     <listitem>
766                       <para>product name (e.g., BSD) or org. name
767                       (e.g., GNU)</para>
768                     </listitem>
769                   </varlistentry>
770                   <varlistentry>
771                     <term>Version</term>
772                     <listitem>
773                       <para>version name</para>
774                     </listitem>
775                   </varlistentry>
776                 </variablelist>
777                 Each part is optional. If the
778                 <replaceable>Name</replaceable> is a product name,
779                 then the <replaceable>Version</replaceable> is
780                 probably the version of the product. Or there may be
781                 no <replaceable>Name</replaceable>, in which case, if
782                 there is a <replaceable>Version</replaceable>, it is
783                 probably the version of the item itself, not the
784                 product it is part of. Or, if the
785                 <replaceable>Name</replaceable> is an organization
786                 name, then there probably will be no
787                 <replaceable>Version</replaceable>.
788                 </para>
789                 <para>To provide this content, if the
790                 <parameter>refentry.source.name.profile.enabled</parameter>
791                 and
792                 <parameter>refentry.version.profile.enabled</parameter>
793                 parameter are non-zero, the stylesheets check the
794                 value of <parameter>refentry.source.name.profile</parameter>
795                 <parameter>refentry.version.profile</parameter>.</para>
797                 <para>Otherwise, by default, they check the following
798                 places, in the following order:
799                 <orderedlist>
800                   <listitem>
801                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
802                                    ><replaceable>*info</replaceable
803                                    >/<tag>productnumber</tag></literallayout>
804                   </listitem>
805                   <listitem>
806                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
807                                    ><replaceable>*info</replaceable
808                                    >/<tag>productnumber</tag></literallayout>
809                   </listitem>
810                   <listitem>
811                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
812                                    ><tag>refmeta</tag
813                                    >/<tag>refmiscinfo</tag
814                                    >[@class = 'version']</literallayout>
815                   </listitem>
816                   <listitem>
817                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
818                                    ><replaceable>parentinfo</replaceable
819                                    >/<tag>productnumber</tag></literallayout>
820                   </listitem>
821                   <listitem>
822                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
823                                    ><replaceable>*info</replaceable
824                                    >/<tag>productname</tag></literallayout>
825                   </listitem>
826                   <listitem>
827                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
828                                    ><replaceable>parentinfo</replaceable
829                                    >/<tag>productname</tag></literallayout>
830                   </listitem>
831                   <listitem>
832                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
833                                    ><tag>refmeta</tag
834                                    >/<tag>refmiscinfo</tag></literallayout>
835                   </listitem>
836                   <listitem>
837                     <para>[nothing found, so leave it empty]</para>
838                   </listitem>
839                 </orderedlist>
840                 </para>
841               </listitem>
842             </varlistentry>
843             <varlistentry>
844               <term>extra3 field</term>
845               <listitem>
846                 <para>On Linux systems and on systems with a modern
847                 groff, the content of the <quote>extra3</quote> field
848                 are what shows up in the <emphasis role="bold">center
849                 header</emphasis> position of each page. Some man
850                 pages have <quote>extra2</quote> content, some
851                 don't. If a particular man page has it, it is most
852                 often <quote>context</quote> data about some larger
853                 system the documented item belongs to (for example,
854                 the name or description of a group of related
855                 applications). The stylesheets now check the following
856                 places, in the following order, to look for content to
857                 add to the <quote>extra3</quote> field.</para>
858                 <orderedlist>
859                   <listitem>
860                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
861                                    ><replaceable>parentinfo</replaceable
862                                    >/<tag>title</tag></literallayout>
863                   </listitem>
864                   <listitem>
865                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
866                                    >parent's <tag>title</tag></literallayout>
867                   </listitem>
868                   <listitem>
869                     <literallayout class="monospaced"
870                                    ><tag>refmeta</tag
871                                    >/<tag>refmiscinfo</tag></literallayout>
872                   </listitem>
873                   <listitem>
874                     <para>[nothing found, so leave it empty]</para>
875                   </listitem>
876                 </orderedlist>
877               </listitem>
878             </varlistentry>
879           </variablelist>
880         </para>
881       </listitem>
882       <!-- ======================================================= -->
883       <listitem>
884         <para>Reworked <replaceable>*info</replaceable> gathering. For
885         each <tag>refentry</tag> found, the stylesheets now cache its
886         <replaceable>*info</replaceable> content, then check for any
887         valid parent of it that might have metainfo content and cache
888         that, if found; they then then do all further matches against
889         those node-sets (rather than re-selecting the original
890         <replaceable>*info</replaceable> nodes each time they are
891         needed).</para>
892       </listitem>
893       <!-- ======================================================= -->
894       <listitem>
895         <para>New option for breaking strings after forward
896         slashes. This enables long URLs and pathnames to be broken
897         across lines. Controlled through
898         <parameter>man.break.after.slash</parameter> parameter.</para>
899       </listitem>
900       <!-- ======================================================= -->
901       <listitem>
902         <para>Output for servicemark and trademark are now
903         <literal>(SM)</literal> and <literal>(TM)</literal>. There is
904         a groff <literal>"\(tm"</literal> escape, but output from that
905         is not acceptable.</para>
906       </listitem>
907       <!-- ======================================================= -->
908       <listitem>
909         <para>New option for controlling the length of the title
910         part of the <literal>.TH</literal> title line. Controlled
911         through the <parameter>man.th.title.max.length</parameter>
912         parameter.</para>
913       </listitem>
914       <!-- ======================================================= -->
915       <listitem>
916         <para>New option for specifying output encoding of each man
917         page; controlled with
918         <parameter>man.output.encoding</parameter> (similar to the
919         HTML <parameter>chunker.output.encoding </parameter>
920         parameter).</para>
921       </listitem> 
922       <!-- ======================================================= -->
923      <listitem>
924         <para>New option for suppressing filename messages when
925         generating output; controlled with
926         <parameter>man.output.quietly</parameter> (similar to the HTML
927         <parameter>chunk.quietly</parameter> parameter).</para>
928       </listitem>
929       <!-- ======================================================= -->
930       <listitem>
931         <para>The text of cross-references to first-level
932         <tag>refentry</tag> (<tag>refsect1</tag>, top-level
933         <tag>refsection</tag>, <tag>refnamediv</tag>, and
934         <tag>refsynopsisdiv</tag>) are now capitalized.</para>
935       </listitem>
936       <!-- ======================================================= -->
937       <listitem>
938         <para>Cross-references to <tag>refnamediv</tag> now use the
939         localized <literal>NAME</literal> title instead of using the
940         first <tag>refname</tag> child. This makes the output
941         inconsistent with HTML and FO output, but for man-page output,
942         it seems to make better sense to have the
943         <literal>NAME</literal>. (It may actually make better sense to
944         do it that way in HTML and FO output as well...)</para>
945       </listitem>
946       <!-- ======================================================= -->
947       <listitem>
948         <para>Added support for processing <tag>funcparams</tag>.</para>
949       </listitem>
950       <!-- ======================================================= -->
951       <listitem>
952         <para>Removed the space that was being output between
953         <tag>funcdef</tag> and <tag>paramdef</tag>; example: was:
954         <literal>float&#160;rand&#160;(void)</literal>; now:
955         <literal>float&#160;rand(void)</literal></para>
956       </listitem>
957       <!-- ======================================================= -->
958       <listitem>
959         <para>Turned off bold formatting for the <tag>type</tag>
960         element when it occurs within a <tag>funcdef</tag> or
961         <tag>paramdef</tag></para>
962       </listitem>
963       <!-- ======================================================= -->
964       <listitem>
965         <para>Corrected rendering of <tag>simplelist</tag>. Any
966         <literal>&lt;simplelist&#160;type="inline"</literal> instance
967         is now rendered as a comma-separated list (also with an
968         optional localized <quote>and</quote> or <quote>or</quote> before the last item -- see
969         description elsewhere in these release notes). Any simplelist
970         instance whose <tag class="attribute">type</tag> is not
971         <literal>inline</literal> is rendered as a one-column vertical
972         list (ignoring the values of the <tag
973         class="attribute">type</tag> and <tag
974         class="attribute">columns</tag> attributes if present)</para>
975       </listitem>
976       <!-- ======================================================= -->
977       <listitem>
978         <para>Comment added at top of roff source for each page now
979         includes DocBook XSL stylesheets version number (as in the
980         HTML stylesheets)</para>
981       </listitem>
982       <!-- ======================================================= -->
983       <listitem>
984         <para>Made change to prevent <quote>sticky</quote> fonts
985         changes. Now, when the manpages stylesheets encounter node
986         sets that need to be boldfaced or italicized, they put the
987         <literal>\fBfoo\fR</literal> and <literal>\fIbar\fR</literal>
988         groff bold/italic instructions separately around each node in
989         the set.</para>
990       </listitem>
991       <listitem>
992         <para>synop.xsl: Boldface everything in
993         <tag>funcsynopsis</tag> output except parameters (which are in
994         ital). The <literal>man(7)</literal> man page says:
995         <blockquote>
996           <para>For functions, the arguments are always specified
997           using italics, even in the SYNOPSIS section, where the rest
998           of the function is specified in bold.</para>
999           </blockquote>
1000           A look through the contents of the
1001           <filename>man/man2</filename> directory shows that most
1002           (all) existing pages do follow this <quote>everything in
1003           funcsynopsis bold</quote> rule. That means the
1004           <tag>type</tag> content and any punctuation (parens,
1005           semicolons, <tag>vararg</tag>s) also must be bolded.</para>
1006       </listitem>
1007       <!-- ======================================================= -->
1008       <listitem>
1009         <para>Removed code for adding backslashes before periods/dots
1010         in roff source, because backslashes in front of periods/dots
1011         in roff source are needed only in the very rare case where a
1012         period is the very first character in a line, without any
1013         space in front of it. A better way to deal with that rare case
1014         is for you to add a zero-width space in front of the offending
1015         dot(s) in your source</para>
1016       </listitem>
1017       <!-- ======================================================= -->
1018       <listitem>
1019         <para>Removed special handling of the <tag>quote</tag>
1020         element. That was hard-coded to cause anything marked up with
1021         the <tag>quote</tag> element to be output preceded by two
1022         backticks and followed by two apostrophes -- that is, that
1023         old-school kludge for generating <quote>curly</quote> quotes in Emacs and
1024         in X-Windows fonts. While Emacs still seems to support that, I
1025         don't think X-Windows has for a long time now. And, anyway, it
1026         looks (and has always looked) like crap when viewed on a
1027         normal tty/console. In addition, it breaks localiztion of
1028         <tag>quote</tag>. By default, <tag>quote</tag> content is
1029         output with localized quotation marks, which, depending on the
1030         locale, may or may not be left and right double quotation
1031         marks.</para>
1032       </listitem>
1033       <!-- ======================================================= -->
1034       <listitem>
1035         <para>Changed mappings for left and right single quotation
1036         marks. Those had previously been incorrectly mapped to the
1037         backtick (&amp;#96;) and apostrophe (&amp;39;) characters (for
1038         kludgy reasons -- see above). They are now correctly mapped to
1039         the <literal>\(oq</literal> and <literal>\(cq</literal> roff
1040         escapes. If you want the old (broken) behavior, you need to
1041         manually change the mappings for those in the value of the
1042         <parameter>man.string.subst.map</parameter> parameter.</para>
1043       </listitem>
1044       <listitem>
1045         <para>Removed <filename>xref.xsl</filename> file. Now, of the
1046         various cross-reference elements, only the <tag>ulink</tag>
1047         element is handled differently; the rest are handled exactly
1048         as the HTML stylesheets handle them, except that no hypertext
1049         links are generated. (Because there is no equivalent hypertext
1050         mechanism is man pages.)</para>
1051       </listitem>
1052       <!-- ======================================================= -->
1053       <listitem>
1054         <para>New option for making <quote>subheading dividers</quote> in generated
1055         roff source. The dividers are not visible in the rendered man
1056         page; they are just there to make the source
1057         readable. Controlled using
1058         <parameter>man.subheading.divider</parameter>.</para>
1059       </listitem>
1060       <!-- ======================================================= -->
1061       <listitem>
1062         <para>Fixed many places where too much space was being added
1063         between lines.</para>
1064       </listitem>
1065     </itemizedlist>
1066     <!-- end of MAN changes for 1.69.0 release -->
1067   </section>
1068 </section>
1069   <!-- end of notes for 1.69.0 release -->
1071   <section>
1072     <title>Release 1.68.1</title>
1073     <para>The release adds localization support for Farsi (thanks to
1074     Sina Heshmati) and improved support for the XLink-based DocBook NG
1075     <sgmltag>db:link</sgmltag> element. Other than that, it is a minor
1076     bug-fix update to the 1.68.0 release. The main thing it fixes is a
1077     build error that caused the XSLT Java extensions to be jarred up
1078     with the wrong package structure. Thanks to Jens Stavnstrup for
1079     quickly reporting the problem, and to Mauritz Jeanson for
1080     investigating and finding the cause.</para>
1081   </section>
1082   <!-- end of notes for 1.68.1 release -->
1084   <section>
1085     <title>Release 1.68.0</title>
1086     <para>This release includes some features changes, particularly
1087     for FO/PDF output, and a number of bug fixes.
1088       <itemizedlist id="V1680_FO">
1089         <title>FO</title>
1090         <listitem>
1091           <para>Moved footnote properties to attribute-sets.</para>
1092         </listitem>
1093         <listitem>
1094           <para>Added support for side floats, margin notes, and
1095           custom floats.</para>
1096         </listitem>
1097         <listitem>
1098           <para>Added new parameters
1099           <parameter>body.start.indent</parameter> and
1100           <parameter>body.end.indent</parameter> to the
1101           <parameter>set.flow.properties template</parameter>.</para>
1102         </listitem>
1103         <listitem>
1104           <para>Added support for <sgmltag
1105           class="attribute">xml:id</sgmltag></para>
1106         </listitem>
1107         <listitem>
1108           <para>Added support for
1109           <sgmltag>refdescriptor</sgmltag>.</para>
1110         </listitem>
1111         <listitem>
1112           <para>Added support for multiple <sgmltag>refnamediv</sgmltag>s.</para>
1113         </listitem>
1114         <listitem>
1115           <para>Added <parameter>index.entry.properties</parameter>
1116           attribute-set to support customization of index
1117           entries.</para>
1118         </listitem>
1119         <listitem>
1120           <para>Added <parameter>set.flow.properties
1121           template</parameter> call to each <sgmltag>fo:flow</sgmltag>
1122           to support customizations entry point.</para>
1123         </listitem>
1124         <listitem>
1125           <para>Add support for <literal>@floatstyle</literal> in
1126           <sgmltag>figure</sgmltag></para>
1127         </listitem>
1128         <listitem>
1129           <para>Moved hardcoded properties for index division titles
1130           to the <parameter>index.div.title.properties</parameter>
1131           attribute-set.</para>
1132         </listitem>
1133         <listitem>
1134           <para>Added support for
1135           <sgmltag>table-layout</sgmltag>="<sgmltag
1136           class="attvalue">auto</sgmltag>" for XEP.</para>
1137         </listitem>
1138         <listitem>
1139           <para>Added <parameter>index.div.title.properties</parameter>
1140           attribute-set.</para>
1141         </listitem>
1142         <listitem>
1143           <para><parameter>$verbose</parameter> parameter is now
1144           passed to most elements.</para>
1145         </listitem>
1146         <listitem>
1147           <para>Added <sgmltag>refentry</sgmltag> to
1148           <sgmltag>toc</sgmltag> in <sgmltag>part</sgmltag>, as it is
1149           permitted by the DocBook schema/DTD.</para>
1150         </listitem>
1151         <listitem>
1152           <para>Added backmatter elements and
1153           <sgmltag>article</sgmltag> to <sgmltag>toc</sgmltag> in
1154           <sgmltag>part</sgmltag>, since they are permitted by the
1155           DocBook schema/DTD.</para>
1156         </listitem>
1157         <listitem>
1158           <para>Added <sgmltag
1159           class="attribute">mode</sgmltag>="<sgmltag
1160           class="attvalue">toc</sgmltag>" for
1161           <sgmltag>simplesect</sgmltag>, since it is now permitted in
1162           the <sgmltag>toc</sgmltag> if
1163           <parameter>simplesect.in.toc</parameter> is set.</para>
1164         </listitem>
1165         <listitem>
1166           <para>Moved hard-coded properties to
1167           <parameter>nongraphical.admonintion.properties</parameter>
1168           and <parameter>graphical.admonition.properties</parameter>
1169           attribute sets.</para>
1170         </listitem>
1171         <listitem>
1172           <para>Added support for <literal>sidebar-width</literal> and
1173           <literal>float-type</literal> processing instructions in
1174           <sgmltag>sidebar</sgmltag>.</para>
1175         </listitem>
1176         <listitem>
1177           <para>For tables with HTML markup elements, added support
1178           for <literal>dbfo bgcolor</literal> PI, the attribute-sets
1179           named <parameter>table.properties</parameter>,
1180           <parameter>informaltable.properties</parameter>,
1181           <parameter>table.table.properties</parameter>, and
1182           <parameter>table.cell.padding</parameter>. Also added
1183           support for the templates named
1184           <parameter>table.cell.properties</parameter> and
1185           <parameter>table.cell.block.properties</parameter> so that
1186           tabstyles can be implemented. Also added support for tables
1187           containing only <sgmltag>tr</sgmltag> instead of
1188           <sgmltag>tbody</sgmltag> with <sgmltag>tr</sgmltag>.</para>
1189         </listitem>
1190         <listitem>
1191           <para>Added new paramater
1192           <parameter>hyphenate.verbatim.characters</parameter> which
1193           can specify characters after which a line break can occur in
1194           verbatim environments.  This parameter can be used to extend
1195           the initial set of characters which contain only space and
1196           non-breakable space.</para>
1197         </listitem>
1198         <listitem>
1199           <para>Added <parameter>itemizedlist.label.markup</parameter> to enable
1200           selection of different bullet symbol. Also added several
1201           potential bullet characters, commented out by default.</para>
1202         </listitem>
1203         <listitem>
1204           <para>Enabled all id's in XEP output for external olinking.</para>
1205         </listitem>
1206       </itemizedlist>
1208       <itemizedlist id="V1680_HTML">
1209         <title>HTML</title>
1210         <listitem>
1211           <para>Added support for
1212           <sgmltag>refdescriptor</sgmltag>.</para>
1213         </listitem>
1214         <listitem>
1215           <para>Added support for multiple <sgmltag>refnamediv</sgmltag>s.</para>
1216         </listitem>
1217         <listitem>
1218           <para>Added support for <sgmltag
1219           class="attribute">xml:id</sgmltag></para>
1220         </listitem>
1221         <listitem>
1222           <para><sgmltag>refsynopsisdiv</sgmltag> as a section for
1223           counting section levels</para>
1224         </listitem>
1225       </itemizedlist>
1226       <itemizedlist id="V1680_images">
1227         <title>Images</title>
1228         <listitem>
1229           <para>Added new SVG admonition graphics and navigation images.</para>
1230         </listitem>
1231       </itemizedlist>
1232     </para>
1233   </section>
1234   <!-- end of notes for 1.68.0 release -->
1236   <section>
1237     <title>Release 1.67.2</title>
1238     <para>This release fixes a table bug introduced in the 1.67.1
1239     release.</para>
1240   </section>
1241   <section>
1242     <title>Release 1.67.1</title>
1243     <para>This release includes a number of bug fixes; for details,
1244     see the <ulink url="WhatsNew"/> file.</para>
1245      <para>The following lists provide details about API and feature changes.
1246       <itemizedlist id="V1671_FO">
1247         <title>FO</title>
1248         <listitem>
1249           <para>Tables: Inherited cell properties are now passed to the
1250           <literal>table.cell.properties</literal> template so they can
1251           be overridden by a customization.</para>
1252         </listitem>
1253         <listitem>
1254           <para>Tables: Added support for bgcolor PI on table row
1255           element.</para>
1256         </listitem>
1257         <listitem>
1258           <para>TOCs: Added new parameter
1259           <parameter>simplesect.in.toc</parameter>; default value of
1260           <literal>0</literal> causes simplesect to be omitted from TOCs; to
1261           cause <sgmltag>simplesect</sgmltag> to be included in TOCs, you
1262           must set the value of <parameter>simplesect.in.toc</parameter> to
1263           <literal>1</literal>.Comment from Norm:
1265             <blockquote>
1266               <para><emphasis>Simplesect elements aren't supposed to
1267               appear in the ToC at all... The use case for simplesect
1268               is when, for example, every chapter in a book ends with
1269               "Exercises" or "For More Information" sections and you
1270               don't want those to appear in the ToC.</emphasis></para>
1271             </blockquote>
1272             </para>
1273         </listitem>
1274         <listitem>
1275           <para>Sections: Reverted change that caused a variable reference
1276           to be used in a template match and rewrote code to preserve
1277           intended semantics.</para>
1278         </listitem>
1279         <listitem>
1280           <para>Lists: Added workaround to prevent "* 0.60 + 1em" garbage in
1281           list output from PassiveTeX</para>
1282         </listitem>
1283         <listitem>
1284           <para>Moved the literal attributes from
1285           <parameter>component.title</parameter> to the
1286           <parameter>component.title.properties</parameter> attribute-set so
1287           they can be customized.</para>
1288         </listitem>
1289         <listitem>
1290           <para>Lists: Added <sgmltag>glossdef</sgmltag>'s first
1291           <sgmltag>para</sgmltag> to special handling in
1292           <literal>fo:list-item-body</literal>.</para>
1293         </listitem>
1294       </itemizedlist>
1296       <itemizedlist id="V1671_HTML">
1297         <title>HTML</title>
1298         <listitem>
1299           <para>TOCs: Added new parameter
1300           <parameter>simplesect.in.toc</parameter>; for details, see
1301           the list of <xref linkend="V1671_FO"/> changes for this
1302           release.</para>
1303         </listitem>
1304         <listitem>
1305           <para>Indexing: Added new parameter
1306           <parameter>index.prefer.titleabbrev</parameter>; when set to
1307           <literal>1</literal>, index references will use
1308           <sgmltag>titleabbrev</sgmltag> instead of
1309           <sgmltag>title</sgmltag> when available.</para>
1310         </listitem>
1311       </itemizedlist>
1312       <itemizedlist>
1313         <title>HTML Help</title>
1314         <listitem>
1315           <para>Added support for generating windows-1252-encoded
1316           output using Saxon; for more details, see the list of <xref
1317           linkend="V1671_EXT"/> changes for this release.</para>
1318         </listitem>
1319       </itemizedlist>
1320       <itemizedlist id="V1671_MAN">
1321         <title>man pages</title>
1322         <listitem>
1323           <para>Replaced named/numeric character-entity references for
1324           non-breaking space with groff equivalent (backslash-tilde).</para>
1325         </listitem>
1326       </itemizedlist>
1327       <itemizedlist id="V1671_EXT">
1328         <title>XSL Java extensions</title>
1329         <listitem>
1330           <para>Saxon extensions: Added the
1331           <classname>Windows1252</classname> class.  It extends Saxon
1332           6.5.x with the windows-1252 character set, which is
1333           particularly useful when generating HTML Help for Western
1334           European Languages (code from
1335           <personname><firstname>Pontus</firstname>
1336           <surname>Haglund</surname></personname> and contributed to the
1337           DocBook community by Sectra AB, Sweden).</para>
1338           <para>To use:
1339           <orderedlist>
1340             <listitem>
1341               <para>Make sure that the Saxon 6.5.x jar file and the jar file for
1342               the DocBook XSL Java extensions are in your <envar>CLASSPATH</envar></para>
1343             </listitem>
1344             <listitem>
1345               <para>Create a DocBook XSL customization layer -- a file named
1346               <filename>mystylesheet.xsl</filename> or whatever -- that, at a
1347               minimum, contains the following:
1348               <screen format="linespecific">  &lt;xsl:stylesheet
1349     xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
1350     version='1.0'>
1351     &lt;xsl:import href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl"/>
1352     &lt;xsl:output method="html" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" indent="no"/>
1353     &lt;xsl:param name="htmlhelp.encoding" select="'WINDOWS-1252'">&lt;/xsl:param>
1354     &lt;xsl:param name="chunker.output.encoding" select="'WINDOWS-1252'">&lt;/xsl:param>
1355     &lt;xsl:param name="saxon.character.representation" select="'native'">&lt;/xsl:param>
1356   &lt;/xsl:stylesheet></screen>
1357               </para>
1358               <para>Invoke Saxon with the
1359               <literal>encoding.windows-1252</literal> Java system property set
1360               to <literal>com.nwalsh.saxon.Windows1252</literal>; for example
1361               <screen format="linespecific">  java \
1362     -Dencoding.windows-1252=com.nwalsh.saxon.Windows1252 \
1363   com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \
1364   mydoc.xml mystylesheet.xsl</screen>
1366               Or, for a more complete "real world" case showing other
1367               options you'll typically want to use:
1368               <screen format="linespecific">  java \
1369     -Dencoding.windows-1252=com.nwalsh.saxon.Windows1252 \
1370     -Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl \
1371     -Djavax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl \
1372     -Djavax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory=com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl \
1373   com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet \
1374     -x org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader \
1375     -y org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.ResolvingXMLReader \
1376     -r org.apache.xml.resolver.tools.CatalogResolver \
1377   mydoc.xml mystylesheet.xsl</screen>
1379               In both cases, the "mystylesheet.xsl" file should be a
1380               DocBook customization layer containing the parameters
1381               show in step 2.</para>
1382             </listitem>
1383           </orderedlist>
1384           </para>
1385         </listitem>
1386         <listitem>
1387           <para>Saxon extensions: Removed Saxon 8 extensions from release package</para>
1388         </listitem>
1389       </itemizedlist>
1390     </para>
1391   </section>
1392 <section>
1393   <title>Release 1.67.0</title>
1394   <itemizedlist>
1395   <listitem>
1396     <para>A number of important bug fixes, documented in <ulink url="WhatsNew"/>.</para>
1397   </listitem>
1398   <listitem>
1399     <para>Added Saxon8 extensions</para>
1400   </listitem>
1401   <listitem>
1402     <para>Enabled <literal>dbfo table-width</literal> on
1403     <sgmltag>entrytbl</sgmltag> in FO output</para>
1404   </listitem>
1405   <listitem>
1406     <para>Added support for <literal>role=strong</literal> on
1407     <sgmltag>emphasis</sgmltag> in FO output</para>
1408   </listitem>
1409   <listitem>
1410     <para>Added new FO parameter
1411     <parameter>hyphenate.verbatim</parameter> that can be used to turn
1412     on "intelligent" wrapping of verbatim environments.</para>
1413   </listitem>
1414   <listitem>
1415     <para>Replaced all <literal>&lt;tt>&lt;/tt></literal> output with
1416     <literal>&lt;code>&lt;/code></literal></para>
1417   </listitem>
1418   <listitem>
1419     <para>Changed <literal>admon.graphic.width</literal> template to a
1420     mode so that different admonitions can have different graphical
1421     widths.</para>
1422   </listitem>
1423   <listitem>
1424     <para>Deprecated the HTML <parameter>shade.verbatim</parameter>
1425     parameter (use CSS instead)</para>
1426   </listitem>
1427   <listitem>
1428     <para>Wrapped ToC
1429     <sgmltag>refentrytitle</sgmltag>/<sgmltag>refname</sgmltag> and
1430     <sgmltag>refpurpose</sgmltag> in span with class values. This
1431     makes it possible to style them using a CSS stylesheet.</para>
1432   </listitem>
1433   <listitem>
1434     <para>Use <literal>strong/em</literal> instead of
1435     <literal>b/i</literal> in HTML output</para>
1436   </listitem>
1437   <listitem>
1438     <para>Added support for converting <sgmltag>Emphasis</sgmltag> to
1439     groff italic and <sgmltag>Emphasis role='bold'</sgmltag> to
1440     bold. Controlled by
1441     <parameter>emphasis.propagates.style</parameter> param, but not
1442     documented yet using litprog system. Will do that next (planning
1443     to add some other parameter-controllable options for hyphenation
1444     and handling of line spacing).</para>
1445   </listitem>
1446   <listitem>
1447     <para><parameter>callout.graphics.number.limit.xml</parameter>
1448     param: Changed the default from <literal>10</literal> to
1449     <literal>15</literal>.</para>
1450   </listitem>
1451   <listitem>
1452     <para><parameter>verbatim.properties</parameter>: Added
1453     <literal>hyphenate=false</literal></para>
1454   </listitem>
1455   <listitem>
1456     <para>Saxon and Xalan Text.java extensions: Added support for
1457     <methodname>URIResolver()</methodname> on insertfile href's</para>
1458   </listitem>
1459   <listitem>
1460     <para>Added generated <filename>RELEASE-NOTES.txt</filename>
1461     file.</para>
1462   </listitem>
1463   <listitem>
1464     <para>Added <filename>INSTALL</filename> file (executable file for
1465     generating catalog.xml)</para>
1466   </listitem>
1467   <listitem>
1468     <para>Removed obsolete <filename>tools</filename> directory from
1469     package</para>
1470   </listitem>
1471 </itemizedlist>
1472 </section>
1473 <section>
1474 <title>Release 1.66.1</title>
1475   <itemizedlist>
1476 <listitem>
1477 <para>A number of important bug fixes, documented in <ulink url="WhatsNew"/>.
1478 </para>
1479 </listitem>
1480 <listitem>
1481 <para>
1482 Now <literal>xml:base</literal> attributes that are generated by an
1483 XInclude processor are resolved for image files.
1484 </para>
1485 </listitem>
1486 <listitem>
1487 <para>
1488 Rewrote olink templates to support several new features.
1489 </para>
1490 <itemizedlist>
1491 <listitem>
1492 <para>
1493 Extended full olink support to FO output.
1494 </para>
1495 </listitem>
1496 <listitem>
1497 <para>
1498 Add support for <literal>xrefstyle</literal> attribute in olinks.
1499 </para>
1500 </listitem>
1501 <listitem>
1502 <para>
1503 New parameters to support new olink features:
1504 <parameter>insert.olink.page.number</parameter>, <parameter>insert.olink.pdf.frag</parameter>,
1505 <parameter>olink.debug</parameter>, <parameter>olink.lang.fallback.sequence</parameter>, <parameter>olink.properties</parameter>,
1506 <parameter>prefer.internal.olink</parameter>.
1507 See the reference page for each parameter for more
1508 information.</para>
1509 </listitem>
1510 </itemizedlist>
1511 </listitem> 
1512 <listitem>
1513 <para>
1514 Added  <parameter>index.on.type</parameter> parameter for new <sgmltag
1515 class="attribute">type</sgmltag>
1516 attribute introduced in DocBook 4.3 for indexterms and index.
1517 This allows you to create multiple indices containing
1518 different categories of entries.
1519 For users of 4.2 and earlier, you can use the new parameter <parameter>index.on.role</parameter>
1520 instead.
1521 </para>
1522 </listitem>
1523 <listitem>
1524 <para>
1525 Added new
1526 <parameter>section.autolabel.max.depth</parameter> parameter to turn off section numbering
1527 below a certain depth.
1528 This permits you to number major section levels and leave minor
1529 section levels unnumbered.</para>
1530 </listitem> 
1531 <listitem>
1532 <para>
1533 Added <parameter>footnote.sep.leader.properties</parameter> attribute set to format
1534 the line separating footnotes in printed output.
1535 </para>
1536 </listitem>
1537 <listitem>
1538 <para>
1539 Added parameter <parameter>img.src.path</parameter> as a prefix to HTML img src
1540 attributes.
1541 The prefix is added to whatever path is already generated by the
1542 stylesheet for each image file.</para>
1543 </listitem> 
1544 <listitem>
1545 <para>
1546 Added new attribute-sets
1547 <parameter>informalequation.properties</parameter>,
1548 <parameter>informalexample.properties</parameter>,
1549 <parameter>informalfigure.properties</parameter>, and <parameter>informaltable.properties</parameter>,
1550 so each such element type can be formatted
1551 individually if needed.
1552 </para>
1553 </listitem>
1554 <listitem>
1555 <para>
1556 Add <parameter>component.label.includes.part.label</parameter>
1557 parameter to add any  part number to chapter, appendix
1558 and other component labels when
1559 the <parameter>label.from.part</parameter> parameter  is nonzero.
1560 This permits you to distinguish multiple chapters with the same
1561 chapter number in cross references and the TOC.</para>
1562 </listitem>
1563 <listitem>
1564 <para>
1565 Added <parameter>chunk.separate.lots</parameter> parameter for HTML output.
1566 This parameter lets you generate separate chunk files for each LOT
1567 (list of tables, list of figures, etc.).</para>
1568 </listitem>
1569 <listitem>
1570 <para>Added several table features:</para>
1571 <itemizedlist>
1572 <listitem>
1573 <para>
1574 Added <parameter>table.table.properties</parameter> attribute set to add
1575 properties to the fo:table element.
1576 </para>
1577 </listitem>
1578 <listitem>
1579 <para>
1580 Added placeholder templates named <literal>table.cell.properties</literal>
1581 and <literal>table.cell.block.properties</literal> to enable adding properties
1582 to any <sgmltag>fo:table-cell</sgmltag> or the cell's <sgmltag>fo:block</sgmltag>, respectively.
1583  These templates are a start for implementing table styles.</para>
1584 </listitem>
1585 </itemizedlist>
1586 </listitem>
1587 <listitem>
1588 <para>
1589 Added new attribute
1590 set <parameter>component.title.properties</parameter> for easy modifications of
1591 component's title formatting in FO output.
1592 </para>
1593 </listitem>
1594 <listitem>
1595 <para>
1596 Added Saxon support for an <sgmltag class="attribute">encoding</sgmltag> attribute on the <sgmltag class="element">textdata</sgmltag> element. Added new parameter
1597 <parameter>textdata.default.encoding</parameter> which specifies encoding when
1598 <sgmltag class="attribute">encoding</sgmltag> attribute on
1599 <sgmltag class="element">textdata</sgmltag> is missing.
1600 </para>
1601 </listitem>
1602 <listitem>
1603 <para>
1604 Template <literal>label.this.section</literal> now controls whole
1605 section label, not only sub-label which corresponds to
1606 particular label. Former behaviour was IMHO bug as it was
1607 not usable.
1608 </para>
1609 </listitem>
1610 <listitem>
1611 <para>
1612 Formatting in titleabbrev for TOC and headers
1613 is preserved when there are no hotlink elements in the title. Formerly the title showed only the text of the title, no font changes or other markup.
1614 </para>
1615 </listitem>
1616 <listitem>
1617 <para>
1618 Added <literal>intial.page.number</literal> template to set the <literal>initial-page-number
1619 property</literal> for page sequences in print output.
1620 Customizing this template lets you change when page numbering restarts. This is similar to the <literal>format.page.number</literal> template that lets you change how the page number formatting changes in the output.
1621 </para>
1622 </listitem>
1623 <listitem>
1624 <para>
1625 Added <literal>force.page.count</literal> template to set the force-page-count
1626 property for page sequences in print output.
1627 This is similar to the <literal>format.page.number</literal> template.
1628 </para>
1629 </listitem>
1630 <listitem>
1631 <para>
1632 Sort language for localized index sorting in <filename>autoidx-ng.xsl</filename> is now taken from document 
1633 lang, not from system environment.
1634 </para>
1635 </listitem>
1636 <listitem>
1637 <para>
1638 Numbering and formatting of normal
1639 and ulink footnotes (if turned on) has been unified.
1640 Now ulink footnotes are mixed in with any other footnotes.</para>
1641 </listitem> 
1642 <listitem>
1643 <para>
1644 Added support for <sgmltag>renderas</sgmltag> attribute in section and
1645 sect1 et al.
1646 This permits you to render a given section title as if it were a different level.</para>
1647 </listitem>
1648 <listitem>
1649 <para>
1650 Added support for <sgmltag>label</sgmltag> attribute in footnote to manually
1651 supply the footnote mark.
1652 </para>
1653 </listitem>
1654 <listitem>
1655 <para>
1656 Added support for DocBook 4.3 <sgmltag>corpcredit</sgmltag> element.
1657 </para>
1658 </listitem>
1659 <listitem>
1660 <para>
1661 Added support for a <literal>dbfo keep-together</literal> PI for
1662 formal objects (table, figure, example, equation, programlisting).  That permits a formal object to be kept together if it is not already, or to be broken if it
1663 is very long and the
1664 default keep-together is not appropriate.
1665 </para>
1666 </listitem>
1667 <listitem>
1668 <para>
1669 For graphics files, made file extension matching case
1670 insensitive, and updated the list of graphics extensions.
1671 </para>
1672 </listitem>
1673 <listitem>
1674 <para>
1675 Allow <sgmltag>calloutlist</sgmltag> to have block content before
1676 the first callout
1677 </para>
1678 </listitem>
1679 <listitem>
1680 <para>
1681 Added <literal>dbfo-need</literal> processing instruction to provide
1682 soft page breaks.
1683 </para>
1684 </listitem> 
1685 <listitem>
1686 <para>
1687 Added implementation of existing but unused
1688 <parameter>default.image.width</parameter> parameter for graphics.
1689 </para>
1690 </listitem>
1691 <listitem>
1692 <para>
1693 Support DocBook NG <sgmltag>tag</sgmltag> inline element.
1694 </para>
1695 </listitem> 
1696 <listitem>
1697 <para>
1698 It appears that XEP now supports Unicode characters in
1699 bookmarks. There is no further need to strip accents from
1700 characters.
1701 </para>
1702 </listitem>
1703 <listitem>
1704 <para>
1705 Make <sgmltag>segmentedlist</sgmltag> HTML markup
1706 more semantic and available to CSS styles.
1707 </para>
1708 </listitem>
1709 <listitem>
1710 <para>
1711 Added <literal>user.preroot</literal> placeholder template to
1712 permit xsl-stylesheet and other PIs and comments to be
1713 output before the HTML root element.
1714 </para>
1715 </listitem>
1716 <listitem>
1717 <para>
1718 Non-chunked legalnotice now gets an &lt;a
1719 name="id"&gt; element in HTML output
1720 so it can be referenced with xref or link.
1721 </para>
1722 </listitem>
1723 <listitem>
1724 <para>
1725 In chunked HTML output, changed <literal>link rel="home"</literal> to <literal>rel="start"</literal>,
1726 and <literal>link rel="previous"</literal> to <literal>rel="prev"</literal>, per W3C HTML 4.01
1727 spec.
1728 </para>
1729 </listitem>
1730 <listitem>
1731 <para>
1732 Added several patches to htmlhelp from W. Borgert
1733 </para>
1734 </listitem> 
1735 <listitem>
1736 <para>
1737 Added Bosnian locale file as common/bs.xml.
1738 </para>
1739 </listitem> 
1740 </itemizedlist>
1741 </section>
1742 <section>
1743 <title>Release 1.65.0</title> 
1744 <itemizedlist>
1745 <listitem>
1746 <para>A number of important bug fixes, documented in <ulink url="WhatsNew"/>.
1747 </para>
1748 </listitem> 
1749 <listitem>
1750 <para>Added a workaround to allow these stylesheets to process DocBook NG
1751 documents. (It’s a hack that pre-processes the document to strip off the
1752 namespace and then uses <function>exsl:node-set</function> to process
1753 the result.)
1754 </para>
1755 </listitem> 
1756 <listitem>
1757 <para>Added alternative indexing mechanism which has better
1758 internationalization support. New indexing method allows grouping of
1759 accented letters like e, Ã©, Ã« into the same group under letter "e". It
1760 can also treat special letters (e.g. "ch") as one character and place
1761 them in the correct position (e.g. between "h" and "i" in Czech
1762 language).</para> 
1763 <para>In order to use this mechanism you must create customization
1764 layer which imports some base stylesheet (like
1765 <filename>fo/docbook.xsl</filename>,
1766 <filename>html/chunk.xsl</filename>) and then includes appropriate
1767 stylesheet with new indexing code
1768 (<filename>fo/autoidx-ng.xsl</filename> or
1769 <filename>html/autoidx-ng.xsl</filename>). For example:</para> 
1770 <programlisting><![CDATA[<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
1771                 version="1.0">
1773 <xsl:import href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/fo/docbook.xsl"/>
1774 <xsl:include href="http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/fo/autoidx-ng.xsl"/>
1776 </xsl:stylesheet>]]></programlisting>
1777 <para>New method is known to work with Saxon and it should also work
1778 with xsltproc 1.1.1 and later. Currently supported languages are
1779 English, Czech, German, French, Spanish and Danish.</para> 
1780 </listitem> 
1781 </itemizedlist> 
1782 </section>
1783 <section>
1784 <title>Release 1.64.1</title> 
1785 <itemizedlist>
1786 <para>General bug fixes and improvements. Sorry about the failure to produce
1787 an updated release notes file for 1.62.0—1.63.2</para> 
1788 <listitem>
1789 <para>In the course of fixing bug #849787, wrapping Unicode callouts
1790 with an appropriate font change in the Xalan extensions, I discovered
1791 that the Xalan APIs have changed a bit. So <filename>xalan2.jar</filename>
1792 will work with older Xalan 2 implementations, <filename>xalan25.jar</filename>
1793 works with Xalan 2.5.</para>
1794 </listitem>
1795 </itemizedlist> 
1796 </section>
1797 <section>
1798 <title>Release 1.61.0</title> 
1799 <itemizedlist>
1800 <para>Lots of bug fixes and improvements.</para> 
1801 <listitem>
1802 <para>Initial support for timestamp PI. From now you
1803   can use &lt;?dbtimestamp format="Y-m-d H:M:S"?&gt; to get current
1804   datetime in your document. Added localization support for datetime PI
1805 </para>
1806 </listitem> 
1807 <listitem>
1808 <para>Added level 6 to test for <sgmltag>section</sgmltag> depth in
1809 section.level template so that
1810 section.title.level6.properties will be used for sections
1811 that are 6 deep or deeper. This should also cause a h6 to be
1812 created in html output.
1813 </para>
1814 </listitem> 
1815 <listitem>
1816 <para>Don't use SVG graphics if <parameter>use.svg</parameter>=0
1817 </para>
1818 </listitem> 
1819 <listitem>
1820 <para>Now uses number-and-title-template for sections
1821   only if <parameter>section.autolabel</parameter> is not zero.
1822 </para>
1823 </listitem> 
1824 <listitem>
1825 <para>Added missing 'english-language-name' attribute to
1826 the l10n element, and the missing 'style' attribute to the
1827 template element so the current gentext documents will
1828 validate.
1829 </para>
1830 </listitem> 
1831 <listitem>
1832 <para>Corrected several references to parameter
1833   <parameter>qanda.defaultlabel</parameter> that were missing the "$".
1834 </para>
1835 </listitem> 
1836 <listitem>
1837 <para>Now accepts <parameter>admon.textlabel</parameter> parameter to turn off
1838   Note, Warning, etc. label.
1839 </para>
1840 </listitem> 
1841 <listitem>
1842 <para>FeatReq #684561: support more XEP metadata
1843 </para>
1844 </listitem> 
1845 <listitem>
1846 <para>Added hyphenation support. Added support for <sgmltag>coref</sgmltag>.
1847 Added <sgmltag>beginpage</sgmltag> support. (does nothing; see TDG).
1848 </para>
1849 </listitem> 
1850 <listitem>
1851 <para>Added support for
1852 hyphenation-character, hyphenation-push-character-count, and
1853 hyphenation-remain-character-count
1854 </para>
1855 </listitem> 
1856 <listitem>
1857 <para>Added <parameter>root.properties</parameter>,
1858 <parameter>ebnf.assignment</parameter>,
1859 and <parameter>ebnf.statement.terminator</parameter>
1860 </para>
1861 </listitem> 
1862 <listitem>
1863 <para>Support bgcolor PI in table cells; make sure
1864 rowsep and colsep don't have any effect on the last row or
1865 column
1866 </para>
1867 </listitem> 
1868 <listitem>
1869 <para>Handle <sgmltag>othercredit</sgmltag> on titlepage a little
1870 better
1871 </para>
1872 </listitem> 
1873 <listitem>
1874 <para>Applied fix from Jeff Beal that fixed the bug
1875 that put secondary page numbers on primary entries. Same
1876 with tertiary page numbers on secondary entries.
1877 </para>
1878 </listitem> 
1879 <listitem>
1880 <para>Added definition of missing variable
1881 <parameter>collection</parameter>.
1882 </para>
1883 </listitem> 
1884 <listitem>
1885 <para>Make <sgmltag>footnote</sgmltag> formatting 'normal' even when it
1886 occurs in a context that has special formatting
1887 </para>
1888 </listitem> 
1889 <listitem>
1890 <para>Added warning when <parameter>glossary.collection</parameter> is not
1891 blank, but it cannot open the specified file.
1892 </para>
1893 </listitem> 
1894 <listitem>
1895 <para>Pick up the frame attribute on <sgmltag>table</sgmltag> and
1896 <sgmltag>informaltable</sgmltag>.
1897 </para>
1898 </listitem> 
1899 <listitem>
1900 <para><sgmltag>indexdiv</sgmltag>/<sgmltag>title</sgmltag>
1901 in non-autogenerated indexes are
1902 now picked up.
1903 </para>
1904 </listitem> 
1905 <listitem>
1906 <para>Removed (unused)
1907 component.title.properties
1908 </para>
1909 </listitem> 
1910 <listitem>
1911 <para>Move IDs from
1912 page-sequences down to titlepage blocks
1913 </para>
1914 </listitem> 
1915 <listitem>
1916 <para>Use
1917 proportional-column-width(1) on more <sgmltag>table</sgmltag>s.
1918 </para>
1919 <para>Use proportional-column-width() for
1920 header/footer tables; suppress relative-align when when
1921 using FOP
1922 </para>
1923 </listitem> 
1924 <listitem>
1925 <para>Check for <parameter>glossterm.auto.link</parameter> when linking
1926 firstterms; don't output gl. prefix on glossterm links
1927 </para>
1928 </listitem> 
1929 <listitem>
1930 <para>Generate Part ToCs
1931 </para>
1932 </listitem> 
1933 <listitem>
1934 <para>Support <sgmltag>glossary</sgmltag>, <sgmltag>bibliography</sgmltag>,
1935 and <sgmltag>index</sgmltag> in component ToCs.
1936 </para>
1937 </listitem> 
1938 <listitem>
1939 <para>Refactored chunking code so that
1940 customization of chunk algorithm and chunk elements is more
1941 practical
1942 </para>
1943 </listitem> 
1944 <listitem>
1945 <para>Support <sgmltag>textobject</sgmltag>/<sgmltag>phrase</sgmltag>
1946 on <sgmltag>inlinemediaobject</sgmltag>.
1947 </para>
1948 </listitem> 
1949 <listitem>
1950 <para>Support 'start' PI on ordered lists
1951 </para>
1952 </listitem> 
1953 <listitem>
1954 <para>Fixed test of $toc PI to turn on qandaset TOC.
1955 </para>
1956 </listitem> 
1957 <listitem>
1958 <para>Added process.chunk.footnotes to sect2 through
1959 5 to fix bug of missing footnotes when chunk level greater
1960 than 1.
1961 </para>
1962 </listitem> 
1963 <listitem>
1964 <para>Added
1965 paramater <parameter>toc.max.depth</parameter> which controls maximal depth of ToC
1966 as requested by PHP-DOC group.
1967 </para>
1968 </listitem> 
1969 <listitem>
1970 <para>Exempted <sgmltag>titleabbrev</sgmltag> from preamble processing in
1971 lists, and fixed variablelist preamble code to use the same
1972 syntax as the other lists.
1973 </para>
1974 </listitem> 
1975 <listitem>
1976 <para>Added support for elements between variablelist
1977 and first varlistentry since DocBook 4.2 supports that now.
1978 </para>
1979 </listitem>
1980 </itemizedlist> 
1981 </section>
1982 <section>
1983 <title>Release 1.60.1</title> 
1984 <itemizedlist>
1985 <para>Lots of bug fixes.</para> 
1986 <listitem>
1987 <para>The format of the <filename>titlepage.templates.xml</filename> files and
1988 the stylesheet that transforms them have been significantly changed. All of the
1989 attributes used to control the templates are now namespace qualified. So what
1990 used to be:</para> 
1991 <programlisting><![CDATA[<t:titlepage element="article" wrapper="fo:block">]]></programlisting>
1992 <para>is now:</para> 
1993 <programlisting><![CDATA[<t:titlepage t:element="article" t:wrapper="fo:block">]]></programlisting>
1994 <para>Attributes from other namespaces (including those that are unqualified) are
1995 now copied directly through. In practice, this means that the names that used
1996 to be <quote>fo:</quote> qualified:</para> 
1997 <programlisting><![CDATA[<title named-template="component.title"
1998        param:node="ancestor-or-self::article[1]"
1999        fo:text-align="center"
2000        fo:keep-with-next="always"
2001        fo:font-size="&hsize5;"
2002        fo:font-weight="bold"
2003        fo:font-family="{$title.font.family}"/>]]></programlisting>
2004 <para>are now unqualified:</para> 
2005 <programlisting><![CDATA[<title t:named-template="component.title"
2006        param:node="ancestor-or-self::article[1]"
2007        text-align="center"
2008        keep-with-next="always"
2009        font-size="&hsize5;"
2010        font-weight="bold"
2011        font-family="{$title.font.family}"/>]]></programlisting>
2012 <para>The <sgmltag>t:titlepage</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>t:titlepage-content</sgmltag>
2013 elements both generate wrappers now. And unqualified attributes on those elements
2014 are passed through. This means that you can now make the title font apply to
2015 ane entire titlepage and make the entire <quote>recto</quote>
2016 titlepage centered by specifying the font and alignment on the those elements:</para> 
2017 <programlisting>&lt;t:titlepage t:element="article" t:wrapper="fo:block"
2018              font-family="{$title.font.family}"&gt;
2020   &lt;t:titlepage-content t:side="recto"
2021              text-align="center"&gt;</programlisting>
2027 </listitem> 
2028 <listitem>
2029 <para>Support use of <sgmltag>titleabbrev</sgmltag> in running
2030 headers and footers.
2031 </para>
2032 </listitem> 
2033 <listitem>
2034 <para>Added (experimental) <parameter>xref.with.number.and.title</parameter>
2035 parameter to enable number/title cross references even when the
2036 default would
2037 be just the number.
2038 </para>
2039 </listitem> 
2040 <listitem>
2041 <para>Generate <sgmltag>part</sgmltag> ToCs if they're requested.
2042 </para>
2043 </listitem> 
2044 <listitem>
2045 <para>Use proportional-column-width() in header/footer tables.
2046 </para>
2047 </listitem> 
2048 <listitem>
2049 <para>Handle alignment correctly when <sgmltag>screenshot</sgmltag>
2050 wraps a graphic in a <sgmltag>figure</sgmltag>.
2051 </para>
2052 </listitem> 
2053 <listitem>
2054 <para>Format <sgmltag>chapter</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>appendix</sgmltag>
2055 cross references consistently.
2056 </para>
2057 </listitem> 
2058 <listitem>
2059 <para>Attempt to support tables with multiple <sgmltag>tgroup</sgmltag>s
2060 in FO.
2061 </para>
2062 </listitem> 
2063 <listitem>
2064 <para>Output <sgmltag>fo:table-columns</sgmltag> in
2065 <sgmltag>simplelist</sgmltag> tables.
2066 </para>
2067 </listitem> 
2068 <listitem>
2069 <para>Use <filename>titlepage.templates.xml</filename> for
2070 <sgmltag>indexdiv</sgmltag> and <sgmltag>glossdiv</sgmltag> formatting.
2071 </para>
2072 </listitem> 
2073 <listitem>
2074 <para>Improve support for new bibliography elements.
2075 </para>
2076 </listitem> 
2077 <listitem>
2078 <para>Added
2079 <parameter>footnote.number.format</parameter>,
2080 <parameter>table.footnote.number.format</parameter>,
2081 <parameter>footnote.number.symbols</parameter>, and
2082 <parameter>table.footnote.number.symbols</parameter> for better control of
2083 footnote markers.
2084 </para>
2085 </listitem> 
2086 <listitem>
2087 <para>Added <sgmltag>glossentry.show.acronyms</sgmltag>.
2088 </para>
2089 </listitem> 
2090 <listitem>
2091 <para>Suppress the draft-mode page masters when
2092 <parameter>draft-mode</parameter> is <quote>no</quote>.
2093 </para>
2094 </listitem> 
2095 <listitem>
2096 <para>Make blank pages verso not recto. D'Oh!
2097 </para>
2098 </listitem> 
2099 <listitem>
2100 <para>Improved formatting of <sgmltag>ulink</sgmltag> footnotes.
2101 </para>
2102 </listitem> 
2103 <listitem>
2104 <para>Fixed bugs in graphic width/height calculations.
2105 </para>
2106 </listitem> 
2107 <listitem>
2108 <para>Added class attributes to inline elements.
2109 </para>
2110 </listitem> 
2111 <listitem>
2112 <para>Don't add <quote>.html</quote> to the filenames identified
2113 with the <quote>dbhtml</quote> PI.
2114 </para>
2115 </listitem> 
2116 <listitem>
2117 <para>Don't force a ToC when sections contain <sgmltag>refentry</sgmltag>s.
2118 </para>
2119 </listitem> 
2120 <listitem>
2121 <para>Make section title sizes a function of the
2122 <parameter>body.master.size</parameter>.
2123 </para>
2124 </listitem> 
2125 </itemizedlist> 
2126 </section>
2127 <section>
2128 <title>Release 1.59.2</title> 
2129 <itemizedlist>
2130 <para>The 1.59.2 fixes an FO bug in the page masters that causes FOP to fail.
2131 </para> 
2132 <listitem>
2133 <para>Removed the region-name from the region-body of blank pages. There's
2134 no reason to give the body of blank pages a unique name and doing so causes
2135 a mismatch that FOP detects.
2136 </para>
2137 </listitem> 
2138 <listitem>
2139 <para>Output IDs for the first paragraphs in listitems.
2140 </para>
2141 </listitem> 
2142 <listitem>
2143 <para>Fixed some small bugs in the handling of page numbers in double-sided mode.
2144 </para>
2145 </listitem> 
2146 <listitem>
2147 <para>Attempt to prevent duplicated IDs from being produced when
2148 <sgmltag class="attribute">endterm</sgmltag> on <sgmltag>xref</sgmltag> points
2149 to something with nested structure.
2150 </para>
2151 </listitem> 
2152 <listitem>
2153 <para>Fix aligment problems in <sgmltag>equation</sgmltag>s.
2154 </para>
2155 </listitem> 
2156 <listitem>
2157 <para>Output the type attribute on unordered lists (UL) in HTML only if
2158 the css.decoration parameter is true.
2159 </para>
2160 </listitem> 
2161 <listitem>
2162 <para>Calculate the font size in formal.title.properties so that it's 1.2 times
2163 the base font size, not a fixed "12pt".
2164 </para>
2165 </listitem>
2166 </itemizedlist> 
2167 </section>
2168 <section>
2169 <title>Release 1.59.1</title> 
2170 <itemizedlist>
2171 <para>The 1.59.1 fixes a few bugs.
2172 </para> 
2173 <listitem>
2174 <para>Added Bulgarian localization.
2175 </para>
2176 </listitem> 
2177 <listitem>
2178 <para>Indexing improvements; localize book indexes to books but allow setindex
2179 to index an entire set.
2180 </para>
2181 </listitem> 
2182 <listitem>
2183 <para>The default value for rowsep and colsep is now "1" as per CALS.
2184 </para>
2185 </listitem> 
2186 <listitem>
2187 <para>Added support for <sgmltag>titleabbrev</sgmltag> (use them for cross
2188 references).
2189 </para>
2190 </listitem> 
2191 <listitem>
2192 <para>Improvements to <sgmltag>mediaobject</sgmltag> for selecting print vs. online
2193 images.
2194 </para>
2195 </listitem> 
2196 <listitem>
2197 <para>Added seperate property sets for <sgmltag>figure</sgmltag>s,
2198 <sgmltag>example</sgmltag>s, <sgmltag>equation</sgmltag>s, <sgmltag>tables</sgmltag>s,
2199 and <sgmltag>procedure</sgmltag>s.
2200 </para>
2201 </listitem> 
2202 <listitem>
2203 <para>Make <sgmltag>lineannotation</sgmltag>s italic.
2204 </para>
2205 </listitem> 
2206 <listitem>
2207 <para>Support <sgmltag class="attribute">xrefstyle</sgmltag> attribute.
2208 </para>
2209 </listitem> 
2210 <listitem>
2211 <para>Make <sgmltag class="attribute">endterm</sgmltag> on
2212 <sgmltag>xref</sgmltag> higher priority than
2213 <sgmltag class="attribute">xreflabel</sgmltag> target.
2214 </para>
2215 </listitem> 
2216 <listitem>
2217 <para>Glossary formatting improvements.
2218 </para>
2219 </listitem>
2220 </itemizedlist> 
2221 </section>
2222 <section>
2223 <title>Release 1.58.0</title> 
2224 <itemizedlist>
2225 <para>The 1.58.0 adds some initial support for extensions in xsltproc, adds
2226 a few features, and fixes bugs.
2227 </para> 
2228 <listitem>
2229 <para>This release contains the first attempt at extension support for xsltproc.
2230 The only extension available to date is the one that adjusts table column widths.
2231 Run <filename>extensions/xsltproc/python/xslt.py</filename>.
2232 </para>
2233 </listitem> 
2234 <listitem>
2235 <para>Fixed bugs in calculation of adjusted column widths to correct for rounding
2236 errors.
2237 </para>
2238 </listitem> 
2239 <listitem>
2240 <para>Support nested <sgmltag>refsection</sgmltag> elements correctly.
2241 </para>
2242 </listitem> 
2243 <listitem>
2244 <para>Reworked <literal>gentext.template</literal> to take context into consideration.
2245 The name of elements in localization files is now an xpath-like context list, not
2246 just a simple name.
2247 </para>
2248 </listitem> 
2249 <listitem>
2250 <para>Made some improvements to bibliography formatting.
2251 </para>
2252 </listitem> 
2253 <listitem>
2254 <para>Improved graphical formatting of admonitions.
2255 </para>
2256 </listitem> 
2257 <listitem>
2258 <para>Added support for <sgmltag>entrytbl</sgmltag>.
2259 </para>
2260 </listitem> 
2261 <listitem>
2262 <para>Support spanning index terms.
2263 </para>
2264 </listitem> 
2265 <listitem>
2266 <para>Support <sgmltag>bibliosource</sgmltag>.
2267 </para>
2268 </listitem>
2269 </itemizedlist> 
2270 </section>
2271 <section>
2272 <title>Release 1.57.0</title>
2273 <itemizedlist>
2274 <listitem>
2275 <para>The 1.57.0 release wasn't documented here. Oops.
2276 </para>
2277 </listitem>
2278 </itemizedlist> 
2279 </section>
2280 <section>
2281 <title>Release 1.56.0</title> 
2282 <itemizedlist>
2283 <para>The 1.56.0 release fixes bugs.
2284 </para> 
2285 <listitem>
2286 <para>Reworked chunking. <emphasis>This will break all existing customizations
2287 layers that change the chunking algorithm.</emphasis> If you're customizing chunking,
2288 look at the new <quote>content</quote> parameter that's passed to
2289 <literal>process-chunk-element</literal> and friends.
2290 </para>
2291 </listitem> 
2292 <listitem>
2293 <para>Support continued and inherited numeration in <sgmltag>orderedlist</sgmltag>
2294 formatting for FOs.
2295 </para>
2296 </listitem> 
2297 <listitem>
2298 <para>Added Thai localization.
2299 </para>
2300 </listitem> 
2301 <listitem>
2302 <para>Tweaked stylesheet documentation stylesheets to link to TDG and
2303 the parameter references.
2304 </para>
2305 </listitem> 
2306 <listitem>
2307 <para>Allow title on tables of contents ("Table of Contents") to be optional.
2308 Added new keyword to <parameter>generate.toc</parameter>.
2309 Support tables of contents on sections.
2310 </para>
2311 </listitem> 
2312 <listitem>
2313 <para>Made separate parameters for table borders and table cell borders:
2314 <parameter>table.frame.border.color</parameter>,
2315 <parameter>table.frame.border.style</parameter>,
2316 <parameter>table.frame.border.thickness</parameter>,
2317 <parameter>table.cell.border.color</parameter>,
2318 <parameter>table.cell.border.style</parameter>, and
2319 <parameter>table.cell.border.thickness</parameter>.
2320 </para>
2321 </listitem> 
2322 <listitem>
2323 <para>Suppress formatting of <quote>endofrange</quote> <sgmltag>indexterm</sgmltag>s.
2324 This is only half-right. They should generate a range, but I haven't figured out how
2325 to do that yet.
2326 </para>
2327 </listitem> 
2328 <listitem>
2329 <para>Support <sgmltag>revdescription</sgmltag>. (Bug #582192)
2330 </para>
2331 </listitem> 
2332 <listitem>
2333 <para>Added <parameter>default.float.class</parameter> and fixed figure
2334 floats. (Bug #497603)
2335 </para>
2336 </listitem> 
2337 <listitem>
2338 <para>Fixed formatting of <sgmltag>sbr</sgmltag> in FOs.
2339 </para>
2340 </listitem> 
2341 <listitem>
2342 <para>Added context to the <quote>missing template</quote> error message.
2343 </para>
2344 </listitem> 
2345 <listitem>
2346 <para>Process <sgmltag>arg</sgmltag> correctly in a <sgmltag>group</sgmltag>.
2347 (Bug #605150)
2348 </para>
2349 </listitem> 
2350 <listitem>
2351 <para>Removed 'keep-with-next' from <parameter>formal.title.properties</parameter>
2352 attribute set now that the stylesheets support the option of putting
2353 such titles below the object. Now the $placement value determines if
2354 'keep-with-next' or 'keep-with-previous' is used in the title block.
2355 </para>
2356 </listitem> 
2357 <listitem>
2358 <para>Wrap <quote>url()</quote> around external-destinations when appropriate.
2359 </para>
2360 </listitem> 
2361 <listitem>
2362 <para>Fixed typo in compact list spacing. (Bug #615464)
2363 </para>
2364 </listitem> 
2365 <listitem>
2366 <para>Removed spurious hash in anchor name. (Bug #617717)
2367 </para>
2368 </listitem> 
2369 <listitem>
2370 <para>Address is now displayed verbatim on title pages. (Bug #618600)
2371 </para>
2372 </listitem> 
2373 <listitem>
2374 <para>The <parameter>bridgehead.in.toc</parameter> parameter is now properly
2375 supported.
2376 </para>
2377 </listitem> 
2378 <listitem>
2379 <para>Improved effectiveness of HTML cleanup by increasing the number
2380 of places where it is used. Improve use of HTML cleanup in XHTML stylesheets.
2381 </para>
2382 </listitem> 
2383 <listitem>
2384 <para>Support table of contents for <sgmltag>appendix</sgmltag> in
2385 <sgmltag>article</sgmltag>. (Bug #596599)
2386 </para>
2387 </listitem> 
2388 <listitem>
2389 <para>Don't duplicate footnotes in <sgmltag>bibliography</sgmltag>s and
2390 <sgmltag>glossary</sgmltag>s. (Bug #583282)
2391 </para>
2392 </listitem> 
2393 <listitem>
2394 <para>Added <parameter>default.image.width</parameter>. (Bug #516859)
2395 </para>
2396 </listitem> 
2397 <listitem>
2398 <para>Totally reworked <sgmltag>funcsynopsis</sgmltag> code; it now
2399 supports a 'tabular' presentation style for 'wide' prototypes; see
2400 <parameter>funcsynopsis.tabular.threshold</parameter>. (HTML only
2401 right now, I think, FO support, uh, real soon now.)
2402 </para>
2403 </listitem> 
2404 <listitem>
2405 <para>Reworked support for difference marking; toned down the colors a bit
2406 and added a <quote>system.head.content</quote> template so that the diff CSS
2407 wasn't overriding <quote>user.head.content</quote>. (Bug #610660)
2408 </para>
2409 </listitem> 
2410 <listitem>
2411 <para>Added call to the <quote>*.head.content</quote> elements when writing
2412 out long description chunks.
2413 </para>
2414 </listitem> 
2415 <listitem>
2416 <para>Make sure <sgmltag>legalnotice</sgmltag> link is correct even when
2417 chunking to a different <parameter>base.dir</parameter>.
2418 </para>
2419 </listitem> 
2420 <listitem>
2421 <para>Use CSS to set viewport characteristics if
2422 <parameter>css.decoration</parameter> is non-zero, use div instead of p for making
2423 graphic a block element; make figure <sgmltag>title</sgmltag>s the
2424 default alt
2425 text for images in a <sgmltag>figure</sgmltag>.</para>
2426 </listitem> 
2427 <listitem>
2428 <para>Added space-after to <parameter>list.block.spacing</parameter>.
2429 </para>
2430 </listitem> 
2431 <listitem>
2432 <para>Reworked section.level template to give <quote>correct</quote> answer
2433 instead of being off by one.
2434 </para>
2435 </listitem> 
2436 <listitem>
2437 <para>When processing tables, use the <sgmltag class="attribute">tabstyle</sgmltag>
2438 attribute as the division class.
2439 </para>
2440 </listitem> 
2441 <listitem>
2442 <para>Fixed bug in <filename>html2xhtml.xsl</filename> that was causing the
2443 XHTML chunker to output HTML instead of XHTML.
2444 </para>
2445 </listitem>
2446 </itemizedlist> 
2447 </section>
2448 <section>
2449   <title>Older releases</title>
2450   <para>To view the release notes for older releases, see <ulink
2451   url="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/docbook/xsl/RELEASE-NOTES.xml"/>. Be
2452   aware that there were no release notes for releases prior to the
2453   1.50.0 release.</para>
2454 </section>
2455 <section id="dot0">
2456   <title>About dot-zero releases</title>
2457     <para>DocBook Project <quote>dot zero</quote> releases should be
2458     considered <emphasis>experimental</emphasis> and are always
2459     followed by stable <quote>dot one</quote> releases, usually within
2460     two or three weeks. Please help to ensure the stability of
2461     <quote>dot one</quote> releases by carefully testing each
2462     <quote>dot zero</quote> release and reporting back about any
2463     problems you find. </para>
2464     <para>It is not recommended that you use a <quote>dot zero</quote>
2465     release in a production system, or package it for an OS
2466     distro. Instead, you should wait for the <quote>dot one</quote>
2467     version.</para>
2468   </section>
2469 </article>