--- /dev/null
+Installation instruction for pfixtools
+1) Install dependencies; you will need at least the following packages:
+ gperf, libbz2-dev, libsrs2-dev, libunbound-dev, pkg-config
+ Install tokyocabinet: http://tokyocabinet.sourceforge.net/
+2) Compile:
+ $ make
+ $ sudo make install
+3) Prepare the configuration in /etc/pfixtools
+ - postlicyd.conf, read postlicyd.example.conf to learn more
+ - postlicyd-rsyncrbl.conf, read postlicyd-rsyncrbl.example.conf to learn more
+ - additional files required by the configuration, such as client_whitelist
+ postgrey2postlicyd can be used to migrate from an existing
+ postgrey clients whitelist
+ If you are using RBLs, you should add a crontab entry for postlicyd-rsyncrbl
+4) Create the spool:
+ # mkdir -p /var/spool/pfixtools/
+ # chown nobody:nogroup /var/spool/pfixtools/
+5) Policy daemon startup script: /etc/init.d/postlicyd
+ Use your distribution's favorite way to start/stop services.
+ Start the policy daemon:
+ # /etc/init.d/postlicyd start
+6) Tell postfix to use postlicyd as a policy daemon and reload postfix