au BufRead,BufNewFile *.adoc setf asciidoc
au BufRead,BufNewFile massif.*.txt setf massif
+ au BufRead,BufNewFile peer*.log setf ubiquity-log
" HTML (.shtml and .stm for server side)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.html,*.htm,*.shtml,*.stm call s:FThtml()
set laststatus=2 " show status line? Yes, always!
set noruler " show cursor position? Yep!
-set statusline=[\ %f%m\ %r%y\ %=\ hex:%B\ \ %l,%c%V\ \ %P\ ]
+set statusline=[\ %f%m\ %r%y\ %{fugitive#statusline()}\ %=\ hex:%B\ \ %l,%c%V\ \ %P\ ]
set shiftwidth=4 " Number of spaces to use for each insertion of
" (auto)indent.