cat <//g' %{ /* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Copyright © 2006 Pierre Habouzit */ /* * The following list has been created manually from the data under: * * Last update: 2000-09-07 * * Note that it includes only the subset of character sets for which * a preferred MIME name is given. * * the corespondance tries to resume from any brain dead way to write the * encoding name, hence you have to pass a charset stripped from its '-' and * '_' and truncated at the first ':' encountered. */ static const struct cset_pair * charset_canonicalize_aux(const char *str, unsigned int len); %} struct cset_pair { const char *name; const char *pref; }; %% ansix3.41968, "us-ascii" arabic, "iso-8859-6" ascii, "us-ascii" asmo708, "iso-8859-6" cp367, "us-ascii" cp819, "iso-8859-1" csascii, "us-ascii" csbig5, "big5" cseuckr, "euc-kr" cseucpkdfmtjapanese, "euc-jp" csgb2312, "gb2312" csiso2022jp2, "iso-2022-jp-2" csiso2022jp, "iso-2022-jp" csiso2022kr, "iso-2022-kr" csisolatin1, "iso-8859-1" csisolatin2, "iso-8859-2" csisolatin3, "iso-8859-3" csisolatin4, "iso-8859-4" csisolatin5, "iso-8859-9" csisolatin6, "iso-8859-10" csisolatinarabic, "iso-8859-6" csisolatincyrillic, "iso8859-5" csisolatingreek, "iso-8859-7" csisolatinhebrew, "iso-8859-8" cskoi8r, "koi8-r" csshiftjis, "shift_jis" cyrillic, "iso-8859-5" ecma114, "iso-8859-6" ecma118, "iso-8859-7" elot928, "iso-8859-7" eucjp, "euc-jp" eucjpms, "eucjp-ms" extendedunixcodepackedformatforjapanese, "euc-jp" greek8, "iso-8859-7" greek, "iso-8859-7" hebrew, "iso-8859-8" ibm367, "us-ascii" ibm819, "iso-8859-1" iso646.irv, "us-ascii" iso646us, "us-ascii" iso885910, "iso-8859-10" iso885913, "iso-8859-13" iso885914, "iso-8859-14" iso885915, "iso-8859-15" iso885916, "iso-8859-16" iso88591, "iso-8859-1" iso88592, "iso-8859-2" iso88593, "iso-8859-3" iso88594, "iso-8859-4" iso88595, "iso-8859-5" iso88596, "iso-8859-6" iso88597, "iso-8859-7" iso88598, "iso-8859-8" iso88599, "iso-8859-9" isoir100, "iso-8859-1" isoir101, "iso-8859-2" isoir109, "iso-8859-3" isoir110, "iso-8859-4" isoir126, "iso-8859-7" isoir127, "iso-8859-6" isoir138, "iso-8859-8" isoir144, "iso-8859-5" isoir148, "iso-8859-9" isoir157, "iso-8859-10" isoir179, "iso-8859-13" isoir6, "us-ascii" kokreuc, "euc-kr" l1, "iso-8859-1" l2, "iso-8859-2" l3, "iso-8859-3" l4, "iso-8859-4" l5, "iso-8859-9" l6, "iso-8859-10" l7, "iso-8859-13" l8, "iso-8859-14" latin0, "iso-8859-15" latin1, "iso-8859-1" latin2, "iso-8859-2" latin3, "iso-8859-3" latin4, "iso-8859-4" latin5, "iso-8859-9" latin6, "iso-8859-10" latin7, "iso-8859-13" latin8, "iso-8859-14" latin9, "iso-8859-15" latin10, "iso-8859-16" mskanji, "shift_jis" pck, "shift_jis" sjis, "shift_jis" us, "us-ascii" utf8, "utf-8" zhtwbig5, "big5" 646, "us-ascii" %% // vim:set ft=lex: EOF