" BlockComment.vim " Author: Chris Russell " Version: 1.1 " License: GPL v2.0 " " Description: " This script defineds functions and key mappings to block comment code. " " Help: " In brief, use '.c' to comment and '.C' to uncomment. " " Both commenting and uncommenting can be run on N lines at a time by " using a number before the command. They both support visual mode and " ranges. " " This script will not comment lines with an indent level less that the " initial line of the comment to preserve the control structure of code. " " Installation: " Simply drop this file into your plugin directory. " " Changelog: " 2002-11-08 v1.1 " Convert to Unix eol " 2002-11-05 v1.0 " Initial release " " TODO: " Add more file types " "-------------------------------------------------- " Avoid multiple sourcing "-------------------------------------------------- if exists( "loaded_block_comment" ) finish endif let loaded_block_comment = 1 "-------------------------------------------------- " Key mappings "-------------------------------------------------- noremap .c :call Comment() noremap .C :call UnComment() "-------------------------------------------------- " Set comment characters by filetype "-------------------------------------------------- function! CommentStr() let s:comment_pad = '--------------------------------------------------' if &ft == "vim" let s:comment_strt = '"' let s:comment_mid0 = '" ' let s:comment_mid1 = '"' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 elseif &ft == "c" || &ft == "css" let s:comment_strt = '/*' let s:comment_mid0 = '* ' let s:comment_mid1 = '*' let s:comment_stop = '*/' let s:comment_bkup = 1 let s:comment_strtbak = '/ *' let s:comment_stopbak = '* /' elseif &ft == "cpp" || &ft == "java" || &ft == "javascript" || &ft == "php" let s:comment_strt = '//' let s:comment_mid0 = '// ' let s:comment_mid1 = '//' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 elseif &ft == "tex" let s:comment_strt = '%' let s:comment_mid0 = '% ' let s:comment_mid1 = '%' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 elseif &ft == "asm" || &ft == "lisp" || &ft == "scheme" let s:comment_strt = ';' let s:comment_mid0 = '; ' let s:comment_mid1 = ';' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 elseif &ft == "vb" let s:comment_strt = '\'' let s:comment_mid0 = '\' ' let s:comment_mid1 = '\'' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 elseif &ft == "html" || &ft == "xml" || &ft == "entity" let s:comment_strt = '' let s:comment_bkup = 1 let s:comment_strtbak = '< !--' let s:comment_stopbak = '-- >' else let s:comment_strt = '#' let s:comment_mid0 = '# ' let s:comment_mid1 = '#' let s:comment_stop = ' ' let s:comment_bkup = 0 endif endfunction "-------------------------------------------------- " Comment a block of code "-------------------------------------------------- function! Comment() range " range variables let l:firstln = a:firstline let l:lastln = a:lastline " get comment chars call CommentStr() " get tab indent level let l:indent = indent( l:firstln ) / &tabstop " loop to get padding str let l:pad = "" let l:i = 0 while l:i < l:indent let l:pad = l:pad . "\t" let l:i = l:i + 1 endwhile " loop for each line let l:block = 0 let l:midline = l:firstln while l:midline <= l:lastln " get line let l:line = getline( l:midline ) " check if padding matches if strpart( l:line, 0, l:indent ) == l:pad " start comment block if l:block == 0 call append( l:midline - 1, l:pad . s:comment_strt . s:comment_pad ) let l:midline = l:midline + 1 let l:lastln = l:lastln + 1 let l:block = 1 endif " append comment between indent and code let l:line = strpart( l:line, l:indent ) " handle comments within comments if s:comment_bkup == 1 let l:line = substitute( l:line, escape( s:comment_strt, '\*^$.~[]' ), s:comment_strtbak, "g" ) let l:line = substitute( l:line, escape( s:comment_stop, '\*^$.~[]' ), s:comment_stopbak, "g" ) endif call setline( l:midline, l:pad . s:comment_mid0 . l:line ) " else end block elseif l:block == 1 call append( l:midline - 1, l:pad . s:comment_mid1 . s:comment_pad . s:comment_stop ) let l:midline = l:midline + 1 let l:lastln = l:lastln + 1 let l:block = 0 endif let l:midline = l:midline + 1 endwhile " end block if l:block == 1 call append( l:lastln, l:pad . s:comment_mid1 . s:comment_pad . s:comment_stop ) endif " return to first line of comment execute l:firstln endfunction "-------------------------------------------------- " Uncomment a block of code "-------------------------------------------------- function! UnComment() range " range variables let l:firstln = a:firstline let l:lastln = a:lastline " get comment chars call CommentStr() " get length of comment string let l:clen = strlen( s:comment_mid0 ) " loop for each line let l:midline = l:firstln while l:midline <= l:lastln " get indent level - process indent for each line instead of by block let l:indent = indent( l:midline ) / &tabstop let l:line = getline( l:midline ) " begin comment block line - delete line if strpart( l:line, l:indent ) == s:comment_strt . s:comment_pad execute l:midline . "d" let l:midline = l:midline - 1 let l:lastln = l:lastln - 1 " end comment block line - delete line elseif strpart( l:line, l:indent ) == s:comment_mid1 . s:comment_pad . s:comment_stop execute l:midline . "d" let l:midline = l:midline - 1 let l:lastln = l:lastln - 1 " commented code line - remove comment elseif strpart( l:line, l:indent, l:clen ) == s:comment_mid0 let l:pad = strpart( l:line, 0, l:indent ) let l:line = strpart( l:line, l:indent + l:clen ) " handle comments within comments if s:comment_bkup == 1 let l:line = substitute( l:line, escape( s:comment_strtbak, '\*^$.~[]' ), s:comment_strt, "g" ) let l:line = substitute( l:line, escape( s:comment_stopbak, '\*^$.~[]' ), s:comment_stop, "g" ) endif call setline( l:midline, l:pad . l:line ) endif let l:midline = l:midline + 1 endwhile " look at line above block let l:indent = indent( l:firstln - 1 ) / &tabstop let l:line = getline( l:firstln - 1 ) " abandoned begin comment block line - delete line if strpart( l:line, l:indent ) == s:comment_strt . s:comment_pad execute ( l:firstln - 1 ) . "d" let l:firstln = l:firstln - 1 let l:lastln = l:lastln - 1 " abandoned commented code line - insert end comment block line elseif strpart( l:line, l:indent, l:clen ) == s:comment_mid0 let l:pad = strpart( l:line, 0, l:indent ) call append( l:firstln - 1, l:pad . s:comment_mid1 . s:comment_pad . s:comment_stop ) let l:lastln = l:lastln + 1 endif " look at line belowe block let l:indent = indent( l:lastln + 1 ) / &tabstop let l:line = getline( l:lastln + 1 ) " abandoned end comment block line - delete line if strpart( l:line, l:indent ) == s:comment_mid1 . s:comment_pad . s:comment_stop execute ( l:lastln + 1 ) . "d" let l:lastln = l:lastln - 1 " abandoned commented code line - insert begin comment block line elseif strpart( l:line, l:indent, l:clen ) == s:comment_mid0 let l:pad = strpart( l:line, 0, l:indent ) call append( l:lastln, l:pad . s:comment_strt . s:comment_pad ) endif endfunction